Title: Lymská borelióza a jej diagnostika : [Lyme borreliosis and its diagnostics]
Record: MILKOVIČOVÁ, Mária - ŠIMKOVÁ, Jana - VALKO-ROKYTOVSKÁ, Marcela. Lymská borelióza a jej diagnostika : [Lyme borreliosis and its diagnostics] In: Laboratórna diagnostika. 2021. ISSN 1335-2644, Roč. 26, č. 2 (2021), s. 22-30.
Year: 2021
Category: ADF - Scientific papers in other domestic journals
Authors:MILKOVIČOVÁ Mária40 %
ŠIMKOVÁ Jana40 %
Edition: Laboratórna diagnostika
Roč. 26, č. 2 (2021), s. 22-30
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 180 - Medical, pharmaceutical and non-medical health sciences
Language: slovak
URL: http://www.sskb.sk/portal/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/dg-2021-2-ok.pdf
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