Title: Soil mites (Oribatida) in the alpine biotope of the Tatra National Park as the intermediate hosts of tapeworms.
Record: JÁSZAYOVÁ, Alexandra - CHOVANCOVÁ, Gabriela - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - ZWIJACZ-KOZICA, Tomasz. Soil mites (Oribatida) in the alpine biotope of the Tatra National Park as the intermediate hosts of tapeworms. In: 4. Medzynarodowa konferencja przyrodnicza pogranicza Polsko – Czesko – Słowackiego : 1. vyd. Zakopane : Muzeum Tatrzańskie, 2022. s. 18-19.
Year: 2022
Category: O2 - Professional output of publication activity as part of a book publication or collection
Output type: ABP - abstract from the event
Authors:JÁSZAYOVÁ Alexandra65 %
CHOVANCOVÁ Gabriela20 %
HURNÍKOVÁ Zuzana10 %
Edition: 4. Medzynarodowa konferencja przyrodnicza pogranicza Polsko – Czesko – Słowackiego
4. International nature conference of the Polish-Czech-Slovak borderland
Ksiažka abstraktów
S. 18-19
Publisher: Muzeum Tatrzańskie
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Zakopane
Country of issue: Poland
Research area: 130 - Sciences about living nature
200 - Veterinary Sciences
Field: Group of study fields: Agricultural and veterinary sciences
Name of the field of study: veterinary medicine
Language: english
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