Title: The findings of FPV, CPV-2a, CPV-2b and FCoV in cats with signs of feline panleukopenia : [Nachweis von FPV, CPV-2a, CPV-2b und FCoV bei Katzen mit Symptomen der felinen Panleukopenie]
Record: CITAROVÁ, Alexandra - MOJŽIŠOVÁ, Jana - VOJTEK, Boris - ZÁKUTNÁ, Ľubica - DRÁŽOVSKÁ, Monika. The findings of FPV, CPV-2a, CPV-2b and FCoV in cats with signs of feline panleukopenia : [Nachweis von FPV, CPV-2a, CPV-2b und FCoV bei Katzen mit Symptomen der felinen Panleukopenie] In: Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift. 2022. ISSN 0005-9366, Vol. 135, no. (2022), p. 1-6.
(2021: 0.587 - IF, 37 - H-index, 0.157 - SJR, Q4 - SJR Best Q)
Year: 2022
Category: V3 - Scientific output of publication activity from the journal
Output type: CLA - article
Authors:CITAROVÁ Alexandra30 %
VOJTEK Boris25 %
ZÁKUTNÁ Ľubica10 %
DRÁŽOVSKÁ Monika25 %
Edition: Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift
Vol. 135, no. (2022), p. 1-6
Country of issue: Germany
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Field: Group of study fields: Agricultural and veterinary sciences
Name of the field of study: veterinary medicine
Scientometrics: 2021: 0.587 - IF, 37 - H-index, 0.157 - SJR, Q4 - SJR Best Q
Language: english
URL: https://www.vetline.de/system/files/frei/BMTW-10.23761439-0299-2022-13-Dr%C3%A1%C5%BEovsk%C3%A1.pdf
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