Title: Metformín a fibrilácia predsiení : [Metformin and atrial fibrillation]
Record: DUKÁT, Andrej - KRIŠKA, Milan - KYSELOVIČ, Ján - JACKULIAK, Peter - PAYER, Juraj. Metformín a fibrilácia predsiení : [Metformin and atrial fibrillation] In: Interná medicína. 2022. ISSN 1335-8359, Roč. 22, č. 12 (2022), s. 523-525.
Year: 2022
Category: V3 - Scientific output of publication activity from the journal
Output type: CLA - article
Authors:DUKÁT Andrej0 %
KRIŠKA Milan0 %
PAYER Juraj0 %
Edition: Interná medicína
Roč. 22, č. 12 (2022), s. 523-525
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 180 - Medical, pharmaceutical and non-medical health sciences
Field: Group of study fields: Health sciences and fields aimed at improving the quality of life
Name of the field of study: pharmacy
Language: slovak
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