Title: Parasitic infections of stray dogs on the St. Maarten Island.
Record: O´SULLIVAN, Joanna Beatrice - HALÁN, Miloš. Parasitic infections of stray dogs on the St. Maarten Island. In: ŠVOČ. Študentská vedecká konferencia - ŠVOČ : Zborník abstraktov zo 65. ročníka. 1. vyd. Košice : UVLF, 2023. ISBN 978-80-8077-785-2, s. 50-51.
Year: 2023
Category: V2 - The scientific output of a publication activity as part of an edited book or collection
Output type: ABP - abstract from the event
Authors:O´SULLIVAN Joanna Beatrice51 %
HALÁN Miloš49 %
Autori vydania:DRÁŽOVSKÁ Monika, KOČIŠOVÁ Alica, PROKEŠ Marián
Edition: Študentská vedecká konferencia - ŠVOČ
Proceedings of abstracts 65th student scientific conference
Zborník abstraktov zo 65. ročníka
S. 50-51
Publisher: UVLF
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Košice
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Field: Group of study fields: Agricultural and veterinary sciences
Name of the field of study: veterinary medicine
Language: english
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