Title: Cognitive screening within advanced pharmaceutical care in elderly patients with suspected metabolic syndrome.
Record: MAČEKOVÁ, Zuzana - FAZEKAŠ, Tomáš - STANKO, Peter - VYHNÁLEK, Martin - DRAGAŠEK, Jozef - KRIVOŠOVÁ, Michaela - KŘENEK, Peter - SNOPKOVÁ, Miroslava - KLIMAS, Ján. Cognitive screening within advanced pharmaceutical care in elderly patients with suspected metabolic syndrome. In: International Journal of Gerontology. 2022. ISSN 1873-9598, Vol. 16, no. 4 (2022), p. 355-360.
Year: 2022
Category: V3 - Scientific output of publication activity from the journal
Output type: CLA - article
Authors:MAČEKOVÁ Zuzana20 %
FAZEKAŠ Tomáš17 %
STANKO Peter9 %
VYHNÁLEK Martin9 %
KRIVOŠOVÁ Michaela9 %
KŘENEK Peter9 %
SNOPKOVÁ Miroslava9 %
Edition: International Journal of Gerontology
Vol. 16, no. 4 (2022), p. 355-360
Country of issue: Taiwan
Research area: 180 - Medical, pharmaceutical and non-medical health sciences
Field: Group of study fields: Health sciences and fields aimed at improving the quality of life
Name of the field of study: pharmacy
Language: english
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