Title: The incubation period and reaction of one type of antibody to CD3 antigen in lymphocyte smears of different animals.
Record: LEVKUTOVÁ, Mária - REVAJOVÁ, Viera. The incubation period and reaction of one type of antibody to CD3 antigen in lymphocyte smears of different animals. In: Acta Veterinaria Beograd. 1997. ISSN 0567-8315, Roč. 47, č. 4 (1997), s. 203-206.
(1997: 0.118 - IF)
Year: 1997
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:LEVKUTOVÁ Mária0 %
Edition: Acta Veterinaria Beograd
Roč. 47, č. 4 (1997), s. 203-206
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1997: 0.118 - IF
Language: english
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