Title: Proliferation and apoptosis in infection with infectious bursal disease virus: a flow cytometric study.
Record: OJEDA, Flavio - ŠKARDOVÁ, Ildikó - GUARDA, María Inés - ULLOA, Jorge - FOLCH, Hugo. Proliferation and apoptosis in infection with infectious bursal disease virus: a flow cytometric study. In: Avian Diseases. 1997. ISSN 0005-2086, Vol. 41, č. 2(1997), s. 312-316.
(1997: 0.848 - IF)
Year: 1997
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:OJEDA Flavio0 %
ŠKARDOVÁ Ildikó0 %
GUARDA María Inés0 %
ULLOA Jorge0 %
FOLCH Hugo0 %
Edition: Avian Diseases
Vol. 41, č. 2(1997), s. 312-316
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1997: 0.848 - IF
Language: english
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