Title: Parazitózy plazov a ich diagnostika I. - pseudoparazity : [The parasites of reptiles and their diagnosis I. - pseudoparasites]
Record: HALÁN, Miloš - ŠTEFKOVIČ, Milan - LETKOVÁ, Valéria - CSIZSMÁROVÁ, Gabriela. Parazitózy plazov a ich diagnostika I. - pseudoparazity : [The parasites of reptiles and their diagnosis I. - pseudoparasites] In: Infovet. 1997. Roč. 4, č. 4 (1997), s. 25-26.
Year: 1997
Category: BDF - Professional work in other domestic magazines
Authors:HALÁN Miloš0 %
LETKOVÁ Valéria0 %
Edition: Infovet
Roč. 4, č. 4 (1997), s. 25-26
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: slovak
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