Title: Comparison of the occurrence of risk elements in bulls and dairy cows coming from the fallout region of a metallurgical plant on the territory of Slovakia.
Record: KOTTFEROVÁ, Jana - KORÉNEKOVÁ, Beáta. Comparison of the occurrence of risk elements in bulls and dairy cows coming from the fallout region of a metallurgical plant on the territory of Slovakia. In: Archiv fur Tierzucht. 1997. ISSN 0003-9438, Roč. 40, č. 4 (1997), s. 309-316.
(1997: 0.297 - IF)
Year: 1997
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:KOTTFEROVÁ Jana0 %
Edition: Archiv fur Tierzucht
Roč. 40, č. 4 (1997), s. 309-316
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1997: 0.297 - IF
Language: english
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