Title: Uwagi o tempie wzrostu klenia Leciscu cephalus (L) i brzanki Barbus petenyi (Heckel) w zbiorniku Starina : [Remarks on the growth rate of chub Leuciscus cephalus and Petians barbel Barbus petenyi in Starina water resorvoir]
Record: KOŠČO, Ján - KOŠUTH, Peter - ONDREJ, Igor. Uwagi o tempie wzrostu klenia Leciscu cephalus (L) i brzanki Barbus petenyi (Heckel) w zbiorniku Starina : [Remarks on the growth rate of chub Leuciscus cephalus and Petians barbel Barbus petenyi in Starina water resorvoir] In: Roczniki Bieszczadzkie. 1998. ISSN 1233-1910, Roč., č. 7 (1998), s. 423-428.
Year: 1998
Category: ADE - Scientific papers in other foreign journals
Authors:KOŠČO Ján0 %
KOŠUTH Peter0 %
ONDREJ Igor0 %
Edition: Roczniki Bieszczadzkie
Roč., č. 7 (1998), s. 423-428
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: polish
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