Title: Development, utilisation and average efficiency of the oral antirabies vaccine Kamark in the Slovac republic.
Record: ŠVRČEK, Štefan - ĎUROVE, Anna - ONDREJKA, Róbert - SOKOL, Jozef - SÜLI, Judit - ZÁVADOVÁ, Jolana - LOVÁS, Bohuslav - BENÍŠEK, Zdenek - VRTIAK, Otto Jaroslav. Development, utilisation and average efficiency of the oral antirabies vaccine Kamark in the Slovac republic. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 1998. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 42, č. 1 (1998), s. 96.
Year: 1998
Category: ADE - Scientific papers in other foreign journals
Authors:ŠVRČEK Štefan0 %
ĎUROVE Anna0 %
ONDREJKA Róbert0 %
SOKOL Jozef0 %
SÜLI Judit0 %
ZÁVADOVÁ Jolana0 %
LOVÁS Bohuslav0 %
BENÍŠEK Zdenek0 %
VRTIAK Otto Jaroslav0 %
Edition: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy
Roč. 42, č. 1 (1998), s. 96
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1998: 0.487 - IF
Language: english
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