Title: The immunogenic activity determination of oral antirabies vaccines by a quantitative method.
Record: ŠVRČEK, Štefan - ONDREJKA, Róbert - BENÍŠEK, Zdenek - ZÁVADOVÁ, Jolana - ĎUROVE, Anna - SÜLI, Judit - MAĎAR, Milan. The immunogenic activity determination of oral antirabies vaccines by a quantitative method. In: . First world congress on vaccines and immunization.Istanbul, Turkey, April 26-30,1998. Istanbul 1998. s. W4-7.
Year: 1998
Category: AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:ŠVRČEK Štefan0 %
ONDREJKA Róbert0 %
BENÍŠEK Zdenek0 %
ZÁVADOVÁ Jolana0 %
ĎUROVE Anna0 %
SÜLI Judit0 %
MAĎAR Milan0 %
Edition: First world congress on vaccines and immunization.Istanbul, Turkey, April 26-30,1998
s. W4-7
Place of issue: Istanbul
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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