Title: Haematological profile of fallow deer (Dama Dama L.) : [Hematologický profil u daniela škvrnitého (Dama Dama L.)]
Record: KOVÁČ, Gabriel - CIBEREJ, Juraj - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - SEIDEL, Herbert. Haematological profile of fallow deer (Dama Dama L.) : [Hematologický profil u daniela škvrnitého (Dama Dama L.)] In: . I Simposium International sobre Fauna Salvaje. Zamora, Espana, 1998. 1998. s. 99.
Year: 1998
Category: AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:KOVÁČ Gabriel0 %
CIBEREJ Juraj0 %
SEIDEL Herbert0 %
Edition: I Simposium International sobre Fauna Salvaje. Zamora, Espana, 1998
S. 99
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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