Title: Enhancement of the efficacy of probiotic microorganisms in nutrition and prevention of diseases of the young animal.
Record: BOMBA, Alojz - NEMCOVÁ, Radomíra - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar. Enhancement of the efficacy of probiotic microorganisms in nutrition and prevention of diseases of the young animal. In: Microbial Ecology in Growing Animals. 1. vyd. Amsterdam : ELSEVIER, 2005. ISBN 0 444 509 267, s. 454-471.
Year: 2005
Category: ABC - Chapters in scientific monographs published by foreign publishers
Authors:BOMBA Alojz0 %
NEMCOVÁ Radomíra0 %
Edition: Microbial Ecology in Growing Animals
s. 454-471
Publisher: ELSEVIER
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Amsterdam
Country of issue: Slovakia
ISBN:0 444 509 267
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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