Year Category
2014 AFG FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - POTOČŇÁKOVÁ, Lenka - ČOMOR, Ľuboš - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh. New potential antimicrobial peptides binding to outer membrane proteins of Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In: COST Action CM1307/CaPF. Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites, October 27-29, 2014, Calvi, France : Book of Abstracts, 1rst COST CM 1307 Annual Meeting. 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2014. ISBN 978-83-9287-841-6, s. 66.
2014 AFG BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh - KOVÁČ, Andrej - DOLINSKÁ, Saskia - BENCÚROVÁ, Elena - FLACHBARTOVÁ, Zuzana - BORSZÉKOVÁ PULZOVÁ, Lucia. Identification host factors intercalating with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. In: COST Action CM1307/CaPF. Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites, October 27-29, 2014, Calvi, France : Book of Abstracts, 1rst COST CM 1307 Annual Meeting. 1. vyd. Brussels : COST, 2014. ISBN 978-83-9287-841-6, s. 62-63.
2014 AFG NAGY, Oskar - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - NAGYOVÁ, Veronika - ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Helena - PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - SEIDEL, Herbert. Serum protein electrophoretic pattern during the first month of life in lambs : [Sérové proteíny u jahniat počas prvého mesiaca života] In: Middle European Buiatrics Congress. XIV Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Warsaw, 25.-27.05.2014. 1. vyd. Warsaw : Polish Association for Buiatrics, 2014. ISBN 978-83-63654-18-4, s. 165.
2014 AFG LAZÁR, Peter - ČURLÍK, Ján - LAZAR, Gabriel - SEVERIN, Krešimir - KONJEVIČ, Dean. Fatal uterine prolapse in a female European bison (bison bonasus L.) : [Fatálny prolaps maternice u samice zubra európskeho (Bison Bonasus L.)] In: Croatian and International Symposium on Agriculture. 49th Croatian & 9th International Symposium on Agriculture, 16th - 21nd February 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia : Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Osijek : University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer, 2014. ISBN 978-953-7871-23-9, s. 153.
2014 AFG BALLOVÁ, Ľudmila - BABULA, Petr. Fytotoxicita nanočastic oxidu zinočnatého sledovaná na bunkovej suspenzii tabáku BY-2 : [Fytotoxita nanočastic oxidu zinočnatého sledovaná na bunkovej suspenzii tabáku BY-2] In: Mezioborové setkání mladých biologů, biochemiků a chemiků. XIV. Mezioborové setkání mladých biologů, biochemiků a chemiků, 13.5. - 16.5.2014, Miholy, Česko. 1. vyd. 2014. ISSN 0009-2770, s. 522.
2014 AFG PETROVOVÁ, Eva - LUPTÁKOVÁ, Lenka - DANKO, Ján. Bendiocarb affects the chick development : [Bendiokarb ovplyvňuje vývin embrya] In: Risk Factors of Food Chain. Risk factors of Food Chain, October 9th - 10th 2014, Jaworze, Poland : Abstract Book of XIV. International Scientific Conference. 1. vyd. Krakow : Pedagogical University, 2014. ISBN 978-83-940513-1-0, s. 34.
2014 AFG HORŇÁK, Slavomír - HARVANOVÁ, Denisa - AMRICHOVÁ, Judita - ROSOCHA, Ján - LEDECKÝ, Valent - PETROVIČ, Vladimír. Healing of segmental bone defects with avian allogeneic osteoblasts on xenograft in pigeons. In: ESVOT. 17th European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress 2014 (ESVOT), October 2nd-4th, 2014, Venice, Italy : Proceedings. 1. vyd. Cremona : ESVOT, 2014. ISBN 978-88-8059-028-6, s. 377.
2014 AFG PAULÍKOVÁ, Iveta - SEIDEL, Herbert - NAGY, Oskar - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - KONVIČNÁ, Jana - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Study of thyroid hormones and indices of energy metabolism in dairy cows : [Štúdium tyroidných hormónov a ukazovateľov energetického metabolizmu] In: Middle European Buiatrics Congress. XIV Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Warsaw, 25.-27.05.2014. 1. vyd. Warsaw : Polish Association for Buiatrics, 2014. ISBN 978-83-63654-18-4, s. 172.
2014 AFG AGUDELO RAMÍREZ, Carlos Fernando. Quadricuspid aortic valve in two dogs. In: WSAVA. The 39th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association : Proceedings. 1. vyd. Amsterdam : WSAVA, 2014. s. 1.
2014 AFG AGUDELO RAMÍREZ, Carlos Fernando - DVIR, Shachar. Effect of measurement site on blood pressure measurement in conscious dogs using noninvasive oscillometric technique. In: WSAVA. The 39th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association : Proceedings. 1. vyd. Amsterdam : WSAVA, 2014. s. 1.
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