Year Category
2019 AFG ALLAN, Mathew - BARTH, Markus - BECKER, Roland - BOCKSCH, Sigrun - CORNEMENT, Magdaléna - ECKERT, Jacob H. - GIFFARD, Hervé - HODAPP, Bettina - JEKE, Lukas - KIMMEL, Stefan - LÜCKMANN, Johannes - PERSIGEH, Markus - PILLING, Ed - RUDDLE, Natalie - SABO, Rastislav - SCHNEIDER, Christof - SCHMITZER, Stephan - SULTAN, Maryam - TÄNZLER, Verena - WILKINS, Selwyn. Report of the activities of the ICPPR Bee Brood Working Group. In: Hazards of pesticides to bees. Hazards of pesticides to bees : Proceedings: 14th International Symposium of the ICP-PR Bee Protection Group, October 23 - 25, 2019 Bern, Switzerland. 1. vyd. Quedlinburg : Julius Kühn-Institut, 2019. ISBN 978-3-95547-095-1 - ISSN 1868-9892, s. 76-77.
2019 AFG MAČÁK- KUBAŠKOVÁ, Terézia - HRČKOVÁ, Gabriela - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar. Combination therapy with albendazole and dialyzable leukocyte extract modulates peritoneal myeloid cells in Masocestoides vogae infected mice. In: Molecular Immunology 2019 : konferencia. Research and Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019. ISSN 2347-2286, Vol. 8, sp. iss. (2019), p. 34.
2019 AFG FEČKANINOVÁ, Adriána - SØRENSEN, Mette - KIRON, Viswanath - KOŠČOVÁ, Jana - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar - POPELKA, Peter. Storage temperature affects the viability of probiotics in aquafeeds : [Ovplyvňovanie teploty skladovania na prežívateľnosť probiotík v krmive určenom pre akvakultúru] In: NordGlobal 2019. NordGlobal 2019 – 2nd International Joint Conference on Global Change "Quality of Life in an Age of Global Change", May 21–22, 2019, Bodø, Norway : Conference Proceedings Abstracts. 1. vyd. Bodø : Nord University, 2019. ISBN 978-82-7456-809-9, online, s. 13-14.
2019 AFG NADANASABESAN, Nimalan - FEČKANINOVÁ, Adriána - KOŠČOVÁ, Jana - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar - SØRENSEN, Mette - VATSOS, Ioannis - KIRON, Viswanath. Dietary intervention strengthens the skin protective barrier of atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) : [Diétna intervencia posilňuje ochrannú bariéru atlantického lososa (Salmo salar)] In: NordGlobal 2019. NordGlobal 2019 – 2nd International Joint Conference on Global Change "Quality of Life in an Age of Global Change", May 21–22, 2019, Bodø, Norway : Conference Proceedings Abstracts. 1. vyd. Bodø : Nord University, 2019. ISBN 978-82-7456-809-9, online, s. 13.
2019 AFG STAŠKOVÁ, Andrea - GANCARČÍKOVÁ, Soňa - LAUKO, Stanislav - JENČA, Andrej - HAJDUČKOVÁ, Vanda - KAČÍROVÁ, Jana - MAĎAR, Marián. Vplyv aplikácie antibiotík na mikrobiotu dutiny ústnej u SPF myší línie BALB/c. In: Český a slovenský gastroenterologický kongres. Gastroenterologie a hepatologie. 2019. ISSN 1804-7874, Vol. 73, suppl. 1 (2019), p. s37-s39.
2019 AFG PECKA-KIEŁB, Ewa - BUJOK, Jolanta - ZACHWIEJA, Andrzej - VASIĽ, Milan - ELEČKO, Juraj - ZIGO, František - KRÓLICZEWSKA, Božena - MIŚTA, Dorota - CZERSKI, Albert. Wplyw infekcii gruczolu mlekowego Staphylococcus aureus na zmiany w skladzie mleka krow : [The impact of udder infection with Staphylococcus aureus on milk composition in daity cows] In: Innowacyjne rozwiazania w produkcji mleka i wolowiny. Innowacyjne rozwiazania w produkcji mleka i wolowiny : XXVII Szkola Zimova Hodowców Bydla, Zakopane, 25-28 marca 2019. 1. vyd. Krakow : Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja, 2019. ISBN 978-83-926689-5-4, s. 151.
2019 AFG RAČEKOVÁ, Enikö - RAČEK, Adam - ZÁVODSKÁ, Monika - MARTONČÍKOVÁ, Marcela. O súvislostiach medzi čuchovými a kognitívnymi schopnosťami : [Relationship between olfactory functioning anf cognitive abilities] In: Česko-slovenská psychofarmakologická konference : konferencia. Psychiatrie. 2019. ISSN 1211-7579, Vol. 23, suppl. 1(2019), p.25.
2019 AFG KURHAJEC, Slavomír - BAČKOROVÁ, Miriam - KUBÍNOVÁ, Renáta. Virtual atlas of natural drugs : [Virtuálny atlas liečivých rastlín] In: EAFP. Creative Education: towards competences in patient-oriented pharmacy education, Kraków 15-17.05.2019 : 25th Annual Conference European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP). 1. vyd. Kraków : Jagiellonian University Medical College, 2019. ISBN 978-83-66027-37-4, s. 114.
2019 AFG FAIXOVÁ, Zita - PISTL, Juraj - FEDOROVÁ, Monika - MOJŽIŠOVÁ, Jana. Folia Pharmaceutica Cassoviensia - a new scientific pharmaceutical journal at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Slovakia : [Folia Pharmaceutica Cassoviensia - nový farmaceutický časopis na Univerzite veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Slovensko] In: EAFP. Creative Education: towards competences in patient-oriented pharmacy education, Kraków 15-17.05.2019 : 25th Annual Conference European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP). 1. vyd. Kraków : Jagiellonian University Medical College, 2019. ISBN 978-83-66027-37-4, s. 151-152.
2019 AFG JUŠČÁKOVÁ, Daniela - KOŽÁROVÁ, Ivona. Screening of poultry feed and tissues for coccidiostat residues using the antibiotic residues screening tests. In: International Scientific Conference for Veterinary Medicine Students. 5th International Scientific Conference for Veterinary Medicine Students ,,Non sibi sed omnibus – not for themselves but for everybody’’ : abstract book, 11-12th of May 2019, Warsaw. 1. vyd. Warsaw : SGGW, 2019. ISBN 978-83-7583-861-9, s. 66-67.
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