Year Category
2017 AFG MALOVESKÁ, Marcela - ČÍŽKOVÁ, Dáša - KREŠÁKOVÁ, Lenka - PETROVOVÁ, Eva - VDOVIAKOVÁ, Katarína. Do lymphatic vessels (capillaries) exist in the brain dura? : [Existujú lymfatické nervy (kapiláry) v dura mater mozgu?] In: Morphology. Morphology 2017, September 10–12, 2017, Charles University, Czech Republic : Programme and Abstracts of the 50th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 54th Lojda Symposium in Histochemistry.. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1315-1, online, s. 96.
2017 AFG JAROŠOVÁ, Júlia - ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - HALÁN, Miloš. Hymenolepis spp. in small rodents; The risk of zoonotic transmission of infection. : [Hymenolepis spp. u drobných hlodavcov; Riziko prenosu zoonóznej infekcie] In: Ukrainian Scientific Society of parasitologists : konferencia. XVI Conference of Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 18–21 September 2017, Lviv, Ukraine : Abstracts. 1. vyd. Kyiv : Ukrainian Scientific Society of Parasitologists, 2017. ISBN 978-966-02-8310-7, s. 96.
2017 AFG TELEKY, Jana - HROMÁDKOVÁ, Jana - MALOVESKÁ, Marcela - VDOVIAKOVÁ, Katarína. Age determination of beavers by cheek teeth measurements : [Určovanie veku bobrov na základe merania lícnych zubov] In: Morphology. Morphology 2017, September 10–12, 2017, Charles University, Czech Republic : Programme and Abstracts of the 50th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 54th Lojda Symposium in Histochemistry.. 1. vyd. Brno : Tribun EU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-263-1315-1, online, s. 125.
2017 AFG CIBEREJ, Juraj - GOLDOVÁ, Mária - IGLÓDYOVÁ, Adriana - TOMKO, Martin. Parasitic fauna of the Red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the Tatra National Park (TANAP) and preventive measures for its reduction. In: ISoWiF. Xth International Symposium on Wild Fauna - ISoWIF 2017, 21 to 23 September 2017, Vila Real, Portugal : Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Zamora : WAVES, 2017. ISBN 978-989-704-245-4, s. 103.
2017 AFG IGLÓDYOVÁ, Adriana - BOCKOVÁ, Eva - LAZÁR, Peter - ČURLÍK, Ján - KAROLOVÁ, Renáta - TOMKO, Martin. The occurence of Dirofilaria infections in wild carnivores : [Výskyt dirofilariózy u voľne žijúcich mäsožravcov] In: ISoWiF. Xth International Symposium on Wild Fauna - ISoWIF 2017, 21 to 23 September 2017, Vila Real, Portugal : Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Zamora : WAVES, 2017. ISBN 978-989-704-245-4, s. 105.
2017 AFG IGLÓDYOVÁ, Adriana - LAZÁR, Peter - ČURLÍK, Ján - KAROLOVÁ, Renáta - ŠMIGA, Ľubomír - TOMKO, Martin. Ectoparasites in cloven-houfed game : [Ektoparazity raticovej zveri] In: ISoWiF. Xth International Symposium on Wild Fauna - ISoWIF 2017, 21 to 23 September 2017, Vila Real, Portugal : Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Zamora : WAVES, 2017. ISBN 978-989-704-245-4, s. 104.
2017 AFG DRÁŽOVSKÁ, Monika - MOJŽIŠOVÁ, Jana - VOJTEK, Boris. Dietary nucleotides and cationic peptides have positive affect on vaccination response in cats : [Dietárne nukleotidy a katiónové peptidy majú pozitívny účinok na vakcinačnú odpoveď u mačiek] In: Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition. Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition, 14-15 September 2017, Kraków, Poland : XIVth International Conference of Young Researchers. 1. vyd. Warszawa : POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK, 2017. ISBN 978-83-945468-7-8, s. 59.
2017 AFG MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar - KARAFFOVÁ, Viera - KOŠČOVÁ, Jana - BARTKOVSKÝ, Martin - MARCINČÁKOVÁ, Dana - KLEMPOVÁ, Tatiana - MAČANGA, Ján - ČERTÍK, Milan - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír. Immunostimulatory and gut-protecting effect of fungal gamma-linolenic acid and beta-carotene contaning prefermented feed for boiler chicken : [Imunostimulačný a črevo ochraňujúci vplyv prefermentovaného krmiva obsahujúceho fungálnu kyselinu gamalinolenovú a beta-karotén u brojlerových kurčiat] In: ICAC. International Conference Analytical Cytometry IX,, Prague, Czech republic : Program and Book of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Praha : AMCA, 2017. ISBN 978-80-88214-06-9, s. 137-138.
2017 AFG GANCARČÍKOVÁ, Soňa - BIELIK, Bohumil - CHRASTINOVÁ, Ľubica - KANDRIČÁKOVÁ, Anna - GLATZOVÁ, Eva - ŠČERBOVÁ, Jana - KUBAŠOVÁ, Ivana - STROMPFOVÁ, Viola - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. The effect of combined administration of Enterocin M and sage extract on biochemical parameters of broiler rabbits : [Vplyv aplikácie kombinácie Enterocínu M a extraktu šalvie na biochemické parametre u brojlerových králikov] In: Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition. Physiology and biochemistry in animal nutrition, 14-15 September 2017, Kraków, Poland : XIVth International Conference of Young Researchers. 1. vyd. Warszawa : POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK, 2017. ISBN 978-83-945468-7-8, s. 60-61.
2017 AFG KOVÁČ, Gabriel - VARGOVÁ, Mária - KADAŠI, Marián - TÓTHOVÁ, Csilla - PETROVIČ, Vladimír. Acute phase proteins and body condition score : [Proteíny akútnej fázy a kondičný stav] In: Szkola Zimova Hodowców Bydla. Produkcja mleka i wolowiny - interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie w przyszlość : XXV Szkola Zimova Hodowców Bydla, Zakopane 27.-30.3.2017. 1. vyd. Uniwersytet Rolniczy : Kraków, 2017. ISBN 978-83-926689-3-0, s. 155-156.
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Last database update: 07. 11. 2023 12:52:23
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