Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0271/11 2011 2013 The complex solution of molecular diagnostics in choosen opportunistic infections and standardization of individual methods VEGA Luptáková Lenka
1/0658/17 2017 2020 SK: Komplexný pohľad na vplyv prídavných látok na organizmus zvierat VEGA Faixová Zita
1/0148/19 2019 2022 Complexes of platinum metals with planar aromatic nuclei as antitumor drugs VEGA Váhovská Lucia
APVV-20-0184 2021 2024 Composite biomaterials with complex natural additives APVV Danko Ján
1/0237/23 2023 2026 SK: Kondiciované médium mezenchýmových kmeňových buniek tukového tkaniva a amniónových obalov: inovatívna terapia chronických rán VEGA Humeník Filip
1/0237/23 2023 2026 Conditioned medium of adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells and amniotic stem cells: an innovative therapy for chronic wounds VEGA Humeník Filip
008UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Coronavirus diseases in animals KEGA Vojtek Boris
1/0918/17 2017 2019 Which factors are important in the clones formation and the role of parasite-host relations and niche partitioning in this process VEGA
PPI/APM/2018/1/00010/U/001 2018 2022 Cultural heritage of small homelands NAWA Marcinčák Slavomír
1/0241/18 2018 2021 The chick embryo as an effective animal model in testing the toxicological effects of snake venom VEGA Petrilla Vladimír
Number of records in database: 351
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