Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0731/21 2021 2024 Substances of natural origin as a part of sustainable aquaculture VEGA Koščová Jana
817/PP/GRO/IMA/19/1131/10885 2020 2022 Mapping and Assessment of Developments for Sectoral Professions under Directive 2005/36/EC – Lot 2: Profession of Pharmacist Iné Holécyová Monika
1/0261/15 2015 2018 SK: Mapovanie epitopov povrchových proteínov borélií pre účely vývoja Multiple antigenic peptide vakcíny proti Lymskej borelióze VEGA qa-admin
EHP:SK06-II-01-003 2015 2016 Mobility project between higher education institutions Iné Faixová Zita
006UVLF-4/2015 2015 2017 SK: Moderná forma výučby a inovácia študijného predmetu základy fyziológie pre kynológov KEGA Ondrašovičová Silvia
011UVLF-4/2013 2013 2015 Modern information technologies in the study of anatomy KEGA Maženský Dávid
008UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019 The modernization and the making the teaching process of analytical disciplines in the study programme of pharmacy more attractive KEGA Šuleková Monika
002UVLF-4/2019 2019 2021 SK: Modernizácia edukácie profesijnej etiky a zlepšovanie jemných zručností študentov vo veterinárnej profesii KEGA Kottferová Jana
009UVLF-4/2018 2018 2020 Technical equipment modernization of parasitological laboratory and creation of permanent preparation and study materials for e-learning KEGA Halán Miloš
1/0435/11 2011 2014 Modulation of gut biochemistry, intestinal bacteria and immunity responses of piglets by probiotic micro-organisms and flax-seed as sources of n-3 PUFA and fibres. VEGA Gancarčíková Soňa
Number of records in database: 351
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