Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0358/16 2016 2018 Modulation of gut microbiocenosis and immune response of honey bees using probiotic lactobacilli in a new application form VEGA Mudroňová Dagmar
15/2016 2016 2017 Modulation of reproductive abilities of pigs by flaxseed and health-promoting microorganisms IGA Andrejčáková Zuzana
1/0043/19 2019 2022 Study of Ecology and Epidemiological Role of Blood-Sucking True Flies (DIPTERA) in the Spread of Causative Agents of Zoonoses and Parasitoses in the Climatically Changing Slovakia. VEGA Kočišová Alica
1/0429/20 2020 2022 Molecular-genetic characterization of hepatitis E virus in food animals and risks for human population VEGA Jacková Anna
1/0113/20 2020 2022 Molecular characteristics of selected zoonotic species and genotypes of intestinal pathogens in the environment in Slovakia VEGA Valenčáková Alexandra
1/0018/16 2016 2019 SK: Molekulové mechanizmy antiproliferatívneho účinku chalkónov u nádorov mliečnej žľazy: in vitro štúdia VEGA Takáč Peter
1/0415/13 2013 2015 SK: Monitorovanie 137 Cs v lesnom ekosystéme na Slovensku. VEGA Beňová Katarína
1/0571/17 2017 2019 Morphological identification of CNS connection with components of extra-cranial lymphatic system under physiological and pathological conditions VEGA Maloveská Marcela
01/2015 2015 2016 Morphological-functional characterization of the effect of lipidated prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) at the level of neurons of hypothalamic structures and areas regulating food intake IGA Pirník Zdenko
005UVLF-4/2015 2015 2017 SK: Multimediálna podpora výučby hygieny a technológie mlieka ako inovovaného štúdia v ŠP všeobecné veterinárske lekárstvo KEGA Dudriková Eva
Number of records in database: 351
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