Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0368/21 2021 2024 Toll-like 3 receptor mutations and their influence on cell mediated immune response in relation to susceptibility to selected flavivirus infections in animals VEGA Drážovská Monika
1/0858/16 2016 2018 The negative impact of selected xenobiotics at the larval stage of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) VEGA Legáth Jaroslav
1/0929/16 2016 2018 SK: Neinvazívna mikro-Ramanova a SERS analýza farbív a kolorantov použitých v kultúrno-historických artefaktoch na báze papiera: Nie je čierna ako čierna. (atRAM@Nt) VEGA Strejčková Alena
1/0929/16 2016 2018 Non-invasive micro-Raman and SERS analysis of dyes and colorants used in paper-based cultural and historical artifacts: There is no black like black. (atRAM@Nt) VEGA Strejčková Alena
1/0598/14 2014 2017 Low dimensional coordination compounds containing 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives exhibiting antiproliferative effects VEGA Váhovská Lucia
1/0939/12 2012 2014 New alternatives for the screening of antimicrobial residues in the tissues of food­producing animals VEGA Kožárová Ivona
1/0536/18 2018 2021 New aspects of animal and human intestinal parasitary infections circulation VEGA Štrkolcová Gabriela
1/0714/20 2020 2022 New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for geriatric dogs with progressive decline of cognitive function. VEGA Farbáková Jana
1/0231/22 2022 2024 New possibilities of diagnosis and therapy of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system in small animals VEGA Fialkovičová Mária
1/0791/14 2014 2016 New approaches in detecting natural foci of autochthonous ruminant liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica, Dicrocoelium dendriticum) in Slovakia and their actual occurrence in cloven-hoofed game VEGA Iglódyová Adriana
Number of records in database: 351
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