Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
012-003UVLF-4/2010 2010 2011 New technologies and methods in education, content and technical provision of the study course Ethology for cynologists. KEGA Kottferová Jana
APVV-19-0193 2020 2024 New players in nanotherapy of neurodegenerative diseases: conditioned media (KM) and extracellular vesicles (EV) of somatic stem cells APVV Čížková Daša
1/0554/21 2021 2024 Nutraceuticals and their medical and health benefits for farm animals VEGA Faixová Zita
1/0785/16 2016 2018 The nutritional regulation of the quantity and composition of dairy cow milk VEGA Maskaľová Iveta
SLeK/01/2022-23 2022 2023 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Holécyová Monika
SLeK/01/2021-003 2021 2022 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Suchovič Radoslav
003UVLF-4/2017 2017 2019   Protection of animals against cruelty-an attempt to unify the procedures of veterinary authorities, law enforcement agencies, and courts KEGA Takáčová Daniela
1/0043/15 2015 2017 SK: Odhad potenciálnej genotoxicity pesticídu a detekcia chromozómových zmien v bunkách nádorového tkaniva zvierat VEGA qa-admin
1/0258/15 2015 2018 SK: Odhalenie potenciálnych faktorov neuroinvazívnych borélií spôsobujúcich neurozápal v CNS VEGA Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
313011V455 2019 2023 SK: Otvorená vedecká komunita pre moderný interdisciplinárny výskum v medicíne (OPENMED) ESIF Pistl Juraj
Number of records in database: 351
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