Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0376/20 2020 2023 Stem cell secretome and extracellular vesicles in relation to neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. VEGA Čížková Daša
08/2016 2016 2017 A serosurvey of Usutu virus infection and detection of Borrelia myiamotoi in wild birds on the Slovak republic territory IGA Korytár Ľuboš
004UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Improving the practical and theoretical education of falconry and rehabilitation of wild birds of prey in tertiary education and profesional specialization. KEGA Kuzyšinová Katarína
1/0112/18 2018 2020 SK: Sledovanie imunologických vlastností nových potenciálnych probiotických laktobacilov v in vitro a in vivo podmienkach pri infekcii Campylobacter jejuni u kurčiat VEGA Karaffová Viera
07/2018 2018 2019 The observation of lethality and morphological deviations in Artemia franciscana by exposition to pesticide imidacloprid IGA Špalková Michaela
1/0071/21 2021 2023 SK: Sledovanie vplyvu metabolitov vybraných lišajníkov na angiogenézu, proliferáciu nádorových buniek a rast patogénnych kvasiniek VEGA Balážová Ľudmila
1/0071/21 2021 2023 The monitoring of selected lichen metabolites on the angiogenesis, tumor cell proliferation and pathogenic yeast growth VEGA Bačkorová Miriam
12/2020 2020 2021 Effects of silybin and sangre de drago on selected immunological parameters in an in vitro model IGA Faixová Dominika
1/0575/16 2016 2018 Immune response of intestinal mucous in chickens with modulated organic Zinc and challenged with Eimeria spp. VEGA Levkut Martin
1/0061/17 2017 2019 Slovacia orientalis litterata. Latin Literature of the authors connected with Eastern Slovakia VEGA Zborovjan Martin
Number of records in database: 351
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