Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
006UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Study texts and the virtual laboratory for elearning in the topic of study of the technology and the safety systems in the feed production KEGA Marcin Andrej
006UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 SK: Študijné texty a virtuálne laboratórium pre e-vzdelávanie v oblasti technológií a bezpečnostných systémov pri výrobe krmív KEGA Marcin Andrej
006UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Study texts and the virtual laboratory for elearning in the topic of study of the technology and the safety systems in the feed production KEGA Marcin Andrej
04/2018 2018 2019 Study of anaplasmosis in horse breeding in selected localities in Slovakia IGA Drážovská Monika
1/0476/16 2016 2019 Study of the influence of supplementation of additives with high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids capable of potentiating the effect of probiotics on modulation of metabolic and reproductive processes in animals VEGA Sopková Drahomíra
1/0080/15 2015 2018 Study of Ecology and Epidemiological Role of Blood-Sucking True Flies (DIPTERA) in the Spread of Causative Agents of Zoonoses and Parasitoses in the Climatically Changing Slovakia. VEGA Kočišová Alica
APVV-15-0613 2016 2020 Study of functional bio-implants and cell therapy for regeneration CNS APVV Maďari Aladár
1/0690/11 2011 2013 Study of hypermethylation of selected genes in patients with prostate carcinomas aimed at generation of biomarkers for diagnostigs and prognostigs of the disease. VEGA Halušková Jana
APVV-0165-15 2016 2019 Study of immune mechanism for decreasing of presence Campylobacter jejuni in intestine of poultry after application of probiotics APVV Levkut Mikuláš
1/0204/20 2020 2023 Study of the mechanism of action of flax seed on functions of female gonads and uterus of animals VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
Number of records in database: 351
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