Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0105/19 2019 2022 SK: Štúdium vplyvu povrchových ligandov borélií na hostiteľské bunky prostredníctvom analýzy transkriptómu a produkcia nanoprotilátok, voči vybraným ligandom s potenciálnym terapeutickým účinkom VEGA Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
1/0036/22 2022 2025 Study of the influence of Wi-Fi radiation on the development of tissues and organs of the chicken embryo VEGA Holovská Katarína
1/0379/13 2013 2015 Research on selected etiological agents of infection diseases in free living birds, their zoonotic potential and public health exposure VEGA Prokeš Marián
1/0591/15 2015 2017 Study of selected pathogens in populations of insectivorous bats VEGA Ondrejková Anna
1/0154/15 2015 2017 Study of the use of newer diagnostic methods and biomarkers in solving animal health disorders VEGA Nagy Oskar
1/0576/17 2017 2019 The study of the use of new alternative methods of the screening of antibiotic residues in the system of control of coccidiostats and their residues in food and feed VEGA Kožárová Ivona
1/0788/19 2019 2022 SK: Štúdium zmien v mikroflóre dentálnych biofilmov u ľudí a psov za účelom harmonizácie mikrobiocenózy ústnej dutiny pomocou vybraných orálnych probiotík VEGA Maďar Marián
1/0117/13 2013 2015 SK: Stupňovité hodnotenie genotoxických účinkov modelového pesticídu. VEGA qa-admin
APVV-SK-CZ-0175-09 2010 2011 Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) and black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) in waters of Slovakia and Czech Republic: taxonomical revision and spreading APVV Koščová Lenka
APVV-15-0377 2016 2020 Synergistic effect of secondary metabolites of plants and products of probiotic bacteria on inhibition of biofilm-producing pathogens. APVV Nemcová Radomíra
Number of records in database: 351
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