Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
APVV-16-0203 2017 2021 Therapeutic and preventive recolonization of skin ecosystem in equine dermatitis. APVV Styková Eva
APVV-17-0017 2018 2022 Toxicological activities of snake venoms of the selected species APVV Legáth Jaroslav
009UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Transmission of research results to the innovation of teaching the study subject Animal Ethology. KEGA Kottferová Jana
1/0600/14 2014 2017 Digestive proteinases and membrane-bound exopeptidases in larvae of housefly (Musca domestica) and common green bottle fly (Lucila sericata) used in larvotherapy VEGA Kostecká Zuzana
014UVLF-4/2019 2019 2021 Tropical veterinary medicine KEGA Prokeš Marián
4/014/13   2013 2015 Creating a complete educational – didactic material of biophysics for study program Feed and food safety KEGA Lohajová Ľuboslava
014UVLF-4/2013 2013 2015 Creation of complete educational-didactic material of biophysics for study program feed and food safety KEGA Lohajová Ľuboslava
013UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Creation of study material for theoretical and practical preparation for the subject – Food and Feed Mycology and Mycotoxicology KEGA Jevinová Pavlina
009UVLF-4/2015 2015 2017 SK: Učebné texty pre e-vzdelávanie a učebnica pre nový predmet "Feed Plant Biology and Toxic Plants" v študijnom programe General Veterinary Medicine KEGA Marcin Andrej
004UVLF-4/2015 2015 2017 Teaching texts for study subject forage and poisonous plants KEGA Naď Pavel
Number of records in database: 351
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