Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
013UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 SK: Verejné veterinárske lekárstvo v kontexte verejného zdravia KEGA Nagyová Alena
001UVLF-4/2012 2012 2014 Veterinary Cytology KEGA Ševčíková Zuzana
APVV-15-0415 2016 2020 Virome of gastrointestinal tract:of pigs and wild boars: Identification and analysis of virus agentssamostatný vedecký pracovník APVV Vilček Štefan
EAFP Grant 2018 2019 Virtual Atlas of Natural Drugs Iné Kurhajec Slavomír
1/0729/16 2016 2019 West Nile virus (WNV)in Slovakia, characterisation, epizootology, phylogenesis and diagnostics VEGA Pistl Juraj
2/0120/16 2016 2018 SK: Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov VEGA Molnár Ladislav
1/0950/12 2009 2012 SK: Vplyv a vyhodnotenie dopadu antropogénnej činnosti na kvalitu vôd. VEGA Sasáková Naďa
1/0402/20 2020 2023 Effect of additives in the nutrition of monogastric animals on the health production, the production parameters, the quality of products and the environment. VEGA Naď Pavel
2/0125/17 2017 2020 The impact of anthropogenic contanimation on the occurrence of the microbial and parasitic organisms in environment within urban and rural ecosystems VEGA Venglovský Ján
1/0505/19 2019 2021 The effect of application of autochthonous bee probiotic lactobacilli on the pollen carrier on the immune status and quality of products of honey bees VEGA Mudroňová Dagmar
Number of records in database: 351
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