Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
APVV-15-0419 2016 2018 Antitick protection using of modified polypropylen fibres with an acaricidal effect APVV Peťko Branislav
1/0115/16 2016 2018 SK: Riadená regenerácia parodontu a propofolová kontinuálna intravenózna anestéza u pacientov ASA III a IV VEGA Capík Igor
08/2016 2016 2017 A serosurvey of Usutu virus infection and detection of Borrelia myiamotoi in wild birds on the Slovak republic territory IGA Korytár Ľuboš
1/0575/16 2016 2018 Immune response of intestinal mucous in chickens with modulated organic Zinc and challenged with Eimeria spp. VEGA Levkut Martin
1/0476/16 2016 2019 Study of the influence of supplementation of additives with high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids capable of potentiating the effect of probiotics on modulation of metabolic and reproductive processes in animals VEGA Sopková Drahomíra
APVV-15-0613 2016 2020 Study of functional bio-implants and cell therapy for regeneration CNS APVV Maďari Aladár
APVV-0165-15 2016 2019 Study of immune mechanism for decreasing of presence Campylobacter jejuni in intestine of poultry after application of probiotics APVV Levkut Mikuláš
APVV-15-0377 2016 2020 Synergistic effect of secondary metabolites of plants and products of probiotic bacteria on inhibition of biofilm-producing pathogens. APVV Nemcová Radomíra
APVV-15-0415 2016 2020 Virome of gastrointestinal tract:of pigs and wild boars: Identification and analysis of virus agentssamostatný vedecký pracovník APVV Vilček Štefan
1/0729/16 2016 2019 West Nile virus (WNV)in Slovakia, characterisation, epizootology, phylogenesis and diagnostics VEGA Pistl Juraj
Number of records in database: 33
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