Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
009UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 Stratigraphy of the vascular system in an innovative form of anatomy teaching KEGA Krešáková Lenka
1/0204/20 2020 2023 Study of the mechanism of action of flax seed on functions of female gonads and uterus of animals VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
03/2020 2020 2021 The role of avian reservoirs in the circulation of tick-borne arboviruses with zoonotic potential IGA Loziaková Peňazziová Katarína
013UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 SK: Verejné veterinárske lekárstvo v kontexte verejného zdravia KEGA Nagyová Alena
1/0402/20 2020 2023 Effect of additives in the nutrition of monogastric animals on the health production, the production parameters, the quality of products and the environment. VEGA Naď Pavel
APVV-19-0440 2020 2024 Emerging zoonotic pathogens transmitted by neglected arthropod species in Slovakia APVV Peťko Branislav
1/0336/20 2020 2023 Utilization of biocements in cartilage and hard tissue regeneration VEGA Šimaiová Veronika
1/0319/20 2020 2023 SK: Vývoj aktívnych krytí rán na báze hydrogélov obsahujúcich rastlinné extrakty stimulujúce hojenie rán u zdravých a diabetických potkanov VEGA
APVV-19-234 2020 2024 Development of probiotic preparation based on autochthonous lactobacilli for salmonids intended to improve fish health and production of quality food APVV Mudroňová Dagmar
PP-COVID-20-0044 2020 2021 SK: Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu APVV Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
Number of records in database: 33
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