Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
05/2017 2017 2018 Urinary biochemical profile of cancer diseases with potential use in diagnostic practice IGA Očenáš Peter
09/2017 2017 2018 Detection of DNA damage in lymphocytes after exposure to pesticides IGA Galdíková Martina
19314410-2018 2018 2018 Etiology and resistance of bacterial pathogens of mastitis in dairy cows and sheep herds situated in marginal parts of Slovakia EFSA Zigo František
013UVLF-4/2016 2016 2018 Building collections of medicinal plants for educational purposes of pharmaceutical botany, production of medicinal plants and pharmacognosy KEGA Eftimová Jarmila
008UVLF-4/2016 2016 2018 Implementation of interactive education in practical anatomy of study program Pharmac KEGA Vdoviaková Katarína
1/0929/16 2016 2018 SK: Neinvazívna mikro-Ramanova a SERS analýza farbív a kolorantov použitých v kultúrno-historických artefaktoch na báze papiera: Nie je čierna ako čierna. (atRAM@Nt) VEGA Strejčková Alena
1/0929/16 2016 2018 Non-invasive micro-Raman and SERS analysis of dyes and colorants used in paper-based cultural and historical artifacts: There is no black like black. (atRAM@Nt) VEGA Strejčková Alena
003UVLF-4/2016 2016 2018 SK: Základy ekológie a aplikovaná ekológia pre študentov UVLF KEGA Hromada Rudolf
1/0258/15 2015 2018 SK: Odhalenie potenciálnych faktorov neuroinvazívnych borélií spôsobujúcich neurozápal v CNS VEGA Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
1/0115/16 2016 2018 SK: Riadená regenerácia parodontu a propofolová kontinuálna intravenózna anestéza u pacientov ASA III a IV VEGA Capík Igor
Number of records in database: 351
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