Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0061/16 2016 2018 The comparison of genetic variability in environmental and clinical samples selected medically important opportunistic parasitic infections VEGA Luptáková Lenka
1/0785/16 2016 2018 The nutritional regulation of the quantity and composition of dairy cow milk VEGA Maskaľová Iveta
2/0120/16 2016 2018 SK: Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov VEGA Molnár Ladislav
1/0358/16 2016 2018 Modulation of gut microbiocenosis and immune response of honey bees using probiotic lactobacilli in a new application form VEGA Mudroňová Dagmar
1/0046/16 2016 2018 SK: CAM-alternatívny zvierací model pre štúdium biomateriálov VEGA Petrovová Eva
1/0510/16 2016 2018 Prevention and control of ruminant mastitis caused by Streptococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. and study their diagnostic significant properties VEGA Vasiľ Milan
07/2018 2018 2019 The observation of lethality and morphological deviations in Artemia franciscana by exposition to pesticide imidacloprid IGA Špalková Michaela
04/2018 2018 2019 Study of anaplasmosis in horse breeding in selected localities in Slovakia IGA Drážovská Monika
EAFP Grant 2018 2019 Virtual Atlas of Natural Drugs Iné Kurhajec Slavomír
06/2018 2018 2019 Impact of mesenchmal stem cell products on regenerative capacity of neural tissue in vitro IGA Humeník Filip
Number of records in database: 351
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