Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0505/19 2019 2021 The effect of application of autochthonous bee probiotic lactobacilli on the pollen carrier on the immune status and quality of products of honey bees VEGA Mudroňová Dagmar
1/0398/18 2018 2021 Analysis of blood serum proteins in the evaluation of the internal environment and diagnosis of animal diseases VEGA Nagy Oskar
1/0241/18 2018 2021 The chick embryo as an effective animal model in testing the toxicological effects of snake venom VEGA Petrilla Vladimír
2/0044/18 2018 2021 High-energy milling for the synthesis of nanomaterials using bio-approach and selected environmental applications VEGA Salayová Aneta
1/0536/18 2018 2021 New aspects of animal and human intestinal parasitary infections circulation VEGA Štrkolcová Gabriela
1/0479/18 2018 2021 SK: Analýza procesu starnutia sietnice u psov VEGA Trbolová Alexandra
1/0529/19 2019 2021 Influence of environmental mastitis agents on the formation and degree of oxidative stress in dairy cows and ewes VEGA Zigo František
APVV-16-0203 2017 2021 Therapeutic and preventive recolonization of skin ecosystem in equine dermatitis. APVV Styková Eva
PP-COVID-20-0044 2020 2021 SK: Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu APVV Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
EAFP Grant 2020 2021 Providing Cross-Border Healthcare Iné Šutorová Martina
Number of records in database: 351
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