Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0084/18 2018 2021 Genetic analysis of selected new and emerging pathogens with zoonotic potential in animals and humans. VEGA Weissová Tatiana
APVV-17-0017 2018 2022 Toxicological activities of snake venoms of the selected species APVV Legáth Jaroslav
APVV-18-0302 2019 2022 SK: Vývoj nových prístupov na terapiu tauopatií využívajúcich transportné peptidy pre liečivá a protilátky do mozgu APVV Bhide Mangesh Ramesh
SLeK/01/2021-003 2021 2022 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Suchovič Radoslav
PPI/APM/2018/1/00010/U/001 2018 2022 Cultural heritage of small homelands NAWA Marcinčák Slavomír
22010056 2021 2022 Factors determining the occurrence of bovine mastitis in dairy farms situated in marginal regions Visegrad Fund Zigo František
VEGA 1/0398/18 2018 2022 SK: Analýza bielkovín krvného séra pri hodnotení vnútorného prostredia a diagnostike ochorení zvierat VEGA Pošivák Ján
008UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 Increasing the entrepreneurial skills of students of study programmes in general veterinary medicine and food hygiene KEGA Korim Peter
015UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 Inovation of pedagogical process by modernisation of lecture room and laboratory for practical learning and creation of study materials for follow disciplines: "Chov a choroby zveri I" a "Breeding and Diaseases of Game" KEGA Lazár Peter
001UVLF-4/2020 2020 2022 SK: Applied Ecology for University Students KEGA Sasáková Naďa
Number of records in database: 351
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