Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
SLeK/01/2022-23 2022 2023 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Holécyová Monika
009UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Innovation and implementation of new knowledge of scientific research and breeding practice to improve the teaching of foreign students in the subject of Animal husbandry KEGA Farkašová Zuzana
1/0107/21 2021 2023 Activity of muscle myogenic stem cells and modulation of microflora in intestinal tract of poultry VEGA Levkut Martin
1/0014/21 2021 2023 Anomalies of intracranial venous sinuses in dogs and their clinical significance. VEGA Šulla Igor
1/0319/20 2020 2023 SK: Vývoj aktívnych krytí rán na báze hydrogélov obsahujúcich rastlinné extrakty stimulujúce hojenie rán u zdravých a diabetických potkanov VEGA
007UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Bioinformatic and molecular tools to study factors of pathogenicity and virulence of the medically important bacterial pathogens KEGA Pilipčinec Emil
1/0376/20 2020 2023 Stem cell secretome and extracellular vesicles in relation to neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity. VEGA Čížková Daša
1/0208/21 2021 2023 SK: Vplyv obezity a endokrinných ochorení kobyly na priebeh gravidity a vývoj žriebät / VEGA Novotný František
1/0071/21 2021 2023 SK: Sledovanie vplyvu metabolitov vybraných lišajníkov na angiogenézu, proliferáciu nádorových buniek a rast patogénnych kvasiniek VEGA Balážová Ľudmila
1/0402/20 2020 2023 Effect of additives in the nutrition of monogastric animals on the health production, the production parameters, the quality of products and the environment. VEGA Naď Pavel
Number of records in database: 351
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