Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0579/12 2012 2014 Comparison of two geographically distinct populations of the Nordic viper (Vipera berus) with respect to their anatomy, venom apparatus morphometry, ecology and importance as potential hosts of ectoparasites and vector-borne pathogens VEGA Korim Peter
1/0812/12 2012 2014 Application of newer methods in clinical-laboratory diagnostics of livestock diseases VEGA Nagy Oskar
1/0037/12 2012 2014 SK: Vplyv elektromagnetickej radiácie na neurogenézu a štruktúru semenníkov potkana VEGA Cigánková Viera
1/0313/12 2012 2014 Bacterial infection of intestine in chickens and regulation of cytokine levels by application of probiotic bacterie VEGA Levkut Mikuláš
016UVLF-4/2012 2012 2014 Nutrition, dietetics and nutritional prevention of disorders production and health in dairy cows KEGA Vajda Vladimír
020UVLF-4/2012 2012 2014 Food chemistry point of view on the food chain safety and quality KEGA Sobeková Anna
1/0939/12 2012 2014 New alternatives for the screening of antimicrobial residues in the tissues of food­producing animals VEGA Kožárová Ivona
1/0727/12 2012 2014 Diagnostics of individual differences among animals using behavioural and physiological indicators. VEGA Kottferová Jana
1/0855/12 2012 2014 Immunomodulatory and immunotoxic effect of pesticides under condition of viral infection VEGA Pistl Juraj
001UVLF-4/2012 2012 2014 Veterinary Cytology KEGA Ševčíková Zuzana
Number of records in database: 351
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