Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0636/13 2013 2015 SK: Využitie DNA diagnostických metód v profylaxii hospodárskych zvierat VEGA qa-admin
1/0847/13 2013 2015 SK: Fitness redukujúci efekt parazitárnych infekcií na preferencie mikrohabitatov rýb v procese osídľovania nového koryta rieky. VEGA qa-admin
1/0111/13 2013 2015 Application of alternative in vitro and in vivo methods to toxicity monitoring of carbamate pesticides VEGA Petrovová Eva
1/0067/13 2013 2015 SK: Využitie probiotík v akvakultúre pri prevencii bakteriálnych chorôb rýb VEGA Popelka Peter
1/0379/13 2013 2015 Research on selected etiological agents of infection diseases in free living birds, their zoonotic potential and public health exposure VEGA Prokeš Marián
1/0063/13 2013 2015 DNA analysis and genotypic spectrum of medically important agents of opportunistic parasitosis. VEGA Valenčáková Alexandra
1/0449/13 2013 2015 The role of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the etiology of ruminant mastitis in Slovakia, their some diagnostically important properties and the impact on milk quality VEGA Vasiľ Milan
1/0613/13 2013 2015 Study of the effect of herbs rooibos and yukka on the ovarian functions and metabolism in domestic animals VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
1/0067/13 2013 2015 Utilization of probiotics in aquaculture for prevention of bacterial diseases of fish VEGA Popelka Peter
APVV-0302-11 2012 2015 Probiotic microorganisms and regulation of cytokine response in prevention of immunopathologic changes during intestinal bacterial infections in poultry APVV Levkut Mikuláš
Number of records in database: 351
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