Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0591/15 2015 2017 Study of selected pathogens in populations of insectivorous bats VEGA Ondrejková Anna
1/0043/15 2015 2017 SK: Odhad potenciálnej genotoxicity pesticídu a detekcia chromozómových zmien v bunkách nádorového tkaniva zvierat VEGA qa-admin
1/0373/15 2015 2017 SK: Úroveň minerálneho metabolizmu hospodárskych zvierat vo vzťahu ku modifikovaným krmivám VEGA Skalická Magdaléna
1/0225/15 2015 2017 SK: Štandardizácia a využitie farebnej dopplerovskej ultrasonografie a elektroretinografie pri oftalmologických a neuro - oftalmologických ochoreniach u psov VEGA Trbolová Alexandra
SK06-IV-02012/2015 2015 2015 SK: Enhancement of cooperation between UVLF and UiN. Activity c) Development of an innovative teaching method. Riešitelia za ÚBF: Jana Staničová Staničová Jana
EHP:SK06-II-01-003 2015 2016 Mobility project between higher education institutions Iné Faixová Zita
01/2015 2015 2016 Morphological-functional characterization of the effect of lipidated prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) at the level of neurons of hypothalamic structures and areas regulating food intake IGA Pirník Zdenko
APVV-14-0397 2015 2019 Application of organic feed in poultry nutrition for the production of functional foods enriched with important polyunsaturated fatty acids APVV Marcinčák Slavomír
EHP:SK06-IV-02-012 2015 2016 Strengthening cooperation between UVMPh in Košice and UiN in Bodo Iné Faixová Zita
013UVLF-4/2016 2016 2018 Building collections of medicinal plants for educational purposes of pharmaceutical botany, production of medicinal plants and pharmacognosy KEGA Eftimová Jarmila
Number of records in database: 351
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