Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0408/17 2017 2019 SK: Vplyv humínových kyselín na zdravie, produkčné ukazovatele a kvalitu mäsa brojlerových kurčiat VEGA Marcinčáková Dana
1/0107/17 2017 2019 SK: Výskum etiologických, diagnostických, terapeutických a preventívnych aspektov digitálnej dermatitídy – závažného ochorenia paznechtov hovädzieho dobytka VEGA Mudroň Pavol
1/0081/17 2017 2020 Study of the effect of beneficial microorganisms and their bioactive products on the inhibition of biofilm-forming pathogens. VEGA Nemcová Radomíra
1/0161/17 2017 2019 SK: Využitie krmiva suplementovaného probiotikami vo  výžive rýb za účelom produkcie zdravých potravín VEGA Popelka Peter
1/0633/17 2017 2019 SK: Exopolysacharidy  Lactobacillus reuteri: štúdium ich imunomodulačného účinku na intestinálne epitelové bunky prasiat (IPEC-1) po čelenži s enterotoxigénnymi E. coli VEGA Tkáčiková Ľudmila
1/0486/17 2017 2019 Use of serum proteins in the diagnosis of animal health disorders VEGA Tóthová Csilla
2/0125/17 2017 2020 The impact of anthropogenic contanimation on the occurrence of the microbial and parasitic organisms in environment within urban and rural ecosystems VEGA Venglovský Ján
1/0061/17 2017 2019 Slovacia orientalis litterata. Latin Literature of the authors connected with Eastern Slovakia VEGA Zborovjan Martin
1/0918/17 2017 2019 Which factors are important in the clones formation and the role of parasite-host relations and niche partitioning in this process VEGA
1/0392/17 2017 2020 Influence of contaminants - products of the oil industry on the ovarian functions of various animal species. The use of medicinal plants to reduce the effect of these contaminants VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
Number of records in database: 351
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