Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
03/2017 2017 2018 Effect of changes in the growth conditions on a content of biologically active substances with antioxidant activity in fungi of the genus Cordyceps (Fr.) Link. IGA Ungvarská Maľučká Lucia
IGA 1/2017 2017 2018 SK: Identifikácia toxinogénnych druhov mikromycét izolovaných z vajec IGA Regecová Ivana
05/2017 2017 2018 Urinary biochemical profile of cancer diseases with potential use in diagnostic practice IGA Očenáš Peter
09/2017 2017 2018 Detection of DNA damage in lymphocytes after exposure to pesticides IGA Galdíková Martina
APVV-16-0171 2017 2020 Progresive methods for elimination of development and spread of bacterial resistance against clinically relevant antibiotics APVV Koščová Jana
APVV-16-0176 2017 2021 Targeted modulation of gut microbiota and its transplantation in prevention and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases APVV Gancarčíková Soňa
APVV-16-0203 2017 2021 Therapeutic and preventive recolonization of skin ecosystem in equine dermatitis. APVV Styková Eva
004UVLF-4/2018 2018 2020 SK: Príprava učebných textov a implementácia nových didaktických prostriedkov vo výučbe histológie a embryológie v študijnom programe všeobecné veterinárske lekárstvo KEGA Almášiová Viera
012UVLF-4/2018 2018 2020 SK: Biofyzikálne metódy v medicíne – dobudovanie experimentálnej časti predmetu KEGA Staničová Jana
009UVLF-4/2018 2018 2020 Technical equipment modernization of parasitological laboratory and creation of permanent preparation and study materials for e-learning KEGA Halán Miloš
Number of records in database: 351
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