Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0402/20 2020 2023 Effect of additives in the nutrition of monogastric animals on the health production, the production parameters, the quality of products and the environment. VEGA Naď Pavel
1/0336/20 2020 2023 Utilization of biocements in cartilage and hard tissue regeneration VEGA Šimaiová Veronika
1/0314/20 2020 2023 Blood serum proteins as important biomarkers in the diagnosis of animal health VEGA Tóthová Csilla
1/0113/20 2020 2022 Molecular characteristics of selected zoonotic species and genotypes of intestinal pathogens in the environment in Slovakia VEGA Valenčáková Alexandra
1/0204/20 2020 2023 Study of the mechanism of action of flax seed on functions of female gonads and uterus of animals VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
817/PP/GRO/IMA/19/1131/10885 2020 2022 Mapping and Assessment of Developments for Sectoral Professions under Directive 2005/36/EC – Lot 2: Profession of Pharmacist Iné Holécyová Monika
1/0557/20 2020 2022 The lifetime of singlet oxygen in cells: a pathway to increased efficacy of photodynamic therapy for cancer VEGA Strejčková Alena
EAFP Grant 2020 2021 Providing Cross-Border Healthcare Iné Šutorová Martina
1/0364/20 2020 2022 The ecological niche of non-native fish species in terms of the dynamic process of invasion and naturalization VEGA
PP-COVID-20-NEWPROJECT-19117 2020 2021 SK: Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu APVV Čížková Daša
Number of records in database: 351
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