Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0204/20 2020 2023 Study of the mechanism of action of flax seed on functions of female gonads and uterus of animals VEGA Vlčková Radoslava
817/PP/GRO/IMA/19/1131/10885 2020 2022 Mapping and Assessment of Developments for Sectoral Professions under Directive 2005/36/EC – Lot 2: Profession of Pharmacist Iné Holécyová Monika
1/0557/20 2020 2022 The lifetime of singlet oxygen in cells: a pathway to increased efficacy of photodynamic therapy for cancer VEGA Strejčková Alena
EAFP Grant 2020 2021 Providing Cross-Border Healthcare Iné Šutorová Martina
1/0364/20 2020 2022 The ecological niche of non-native fish species in terms of the dynamic process of invasion and naturalization VEGA
PP-COVID-20-NEWPROJECT-19117 2020 2021 SK: Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu APVV Čížková Daša
12/2020 2020 2021 Effects of silybin and sangre de drago on selected immunological parameters in an in vitro model IGA Faixová Dominika
03/2020 2020 2021 The role of avian reservoirs in the circulation of tick-borne arboviruses with zoonotic potential IGA Loziaková Peňazziová Katarína
APVV-19-0193 2020 2024 New players in nanotherapy of neurodegenerative diseases: conditioned media (KM) and extracellular vesicles (EV) of somatic stem cells APVV Čížková Daša
APVV-19-234 2020 2024 Development of probiotic preparation based on autochthonous lactobacilli for salmonids intended to improve fish health and production of quality food APVV Mudroňová Dagmar
Number of records in database: 33
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