Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
1/0731/21 2021 2024 Substances of natural origin as a part of sustainable aquaculture VEGA Koščová Jana
013UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Creation of study material for theoretical and practical preparation for the subject – Food and Feed Mycology and Mycotoxicology KEGA Jevinová Pavlina
005UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Innovation in the teaching of embryology in veterinary medicine and the implementation of new teaching aids KEGA Almášiová Viera
015UVLF-4/2021 2021 2023 Use of digital online communication tools for the implementation of distance learning in the subject Official Control of Foodstuffs KEGA Kožárová Ivona
1/0368/21 2021 2024 Toll-like 3 receptor mutations and their influence on cell mediated immune response in relation to susceptibility to selected flavivirus infections in animals VEGA Drážovská Monika
2020-1-SK01-KA203-078333 2021 2023 SK: ERASMUS+ 2020-1- SK01-KA203-078333_FOODINOVO Erasmus+ Marcinčák Slavomír
22010056 2021 2022 Factors determining the occurrence of bovine mastitis in dairy farms situated in marginal regions Visegrad Fund Zigo František
APVV-20-0068 2021 2024 SK: Vývoj nových bioresorbovateľných zliatin pre vnútrotelové implantáty Molnár Ladislav
APVV-20-0184 2021 2024 Composite biomaterials with complex natural additives APVV Danko Ján
APVV-20-0099 2021 2024 Biologically active substances of drone brood to support metabolic processes and the immune response of animals APVV Levkut Mikuláš
Number of records in database: 351
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