Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
APVV-20-0278 2021 2024 Degradable metallic biomaterials with controlled drug release APVV Kožár Martin
APVV-20-0114 2021 2025 Sex-specific microbiome and gene interactions in the pathogenesis of behavioral and gastrointestinal symptoms in the animal model of autism spectrum disorder. APVV Gancarčíková Soňa
APVV-20-0073 2021 2025 Chorioallantoic membrane - in vivo model for study of biocompatibility of materials APVV Petrovová Eva
APVV-20-0512 2021 2025 SK: Pokročilé superparamagnetické nanočastice pre biomedicínske aplikácie APVV Hudák Alexander
SLeK/01/2021-003 2021 2022 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Suchovič Radoslav
017UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Implementation of information and imaging technologies in the study of the locomotor system KEGA Vdoviaková Katarína
1/0231/22 2022 2024 New possibilities of diagnosis and therapy of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal system in small animals VEGA Fialkovičová Mária
008UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Coronavirus diseases in animals KEGA Vojtek Boris
016UVLF-4/2022 2022 2024 Implementation of modern audiovisual methods in the teaching process of the subject Clinical Practice in the General veterinary medicine study programme KEGA Kožár Martin
1/0194/22 2022 2024 SK: Genomická a klinická analýza očných ochorení v populácii národného plemena Československý vlčiak na Slovensku VEGA Trbolová Alexandra
Number of records in database: 351
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