Reg. No. Year From    Year To    Project / grant name     Scheme Project leader
APVV-21-0129 2022 2025 Influence of intestinal microbiota modulation by probiotic bacteria on stimulation of myogenic stem cell activity in poultry APVV Karaffová Viera
APVV-21-0185 2022 2026 Influence of polluted environment on the incidence of bee nosematosis APVV Valenčáková Alexandra
2022-05-15-001 2022 2023 The effect of udder pathogens on the production and degree of oxidative stress in dairy cows Iné Zigo František
SLeK/01/2022-23 2022 2023 Obesity from a pharmaceutical practice perspective Iné Holécyová Monika
001UVLF-4/2022 2023 2025 SK: Využitie a implementácia nových poznatkov vo výučbe hygieny chovu zvierat a welfare na Univerzite veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach KEGA Gregová Gabriela
1/0126/23 2023 2026 Antiproliferative complexes with bulky N- and O-donor aromatic ligands VEGA Váhovská Lucia
1/0236/23 2023 2026 Biomarkers of canine mammary gland tumors: intracellular, free and exosomal microRNAs VEGA Petroušková Patrícia
1/0161/23 2023 2026 Diversity and molecular analysis of Nosema spp. in bee colonies in Slovakia in connection with the occurrence of pesticide residues in environment VEGA Valenčáková Alexandra
KEGA:008UVLF-4/2023 2023 2025 Innovation and modernisation of practical learning of subjects Genetics and Clinical Genetics to increase quality of students´ education KEGA Galdíková Martina
006UVLF-4/2023 2023 2025 "Welfare dog training" educational material for the study program Cynology KEGA Lazár Peter
Number of records in database: 351
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