Assoc. prof. Iveta Maskaľová, DVM, PhD

Last update: 23. 10. 2023

I.1 Surname Maskaľová
I.2 Name Iveta
I.3 Titles Assoc. prof. , DVM, PhD
I.4 Year of birth 1974
I.5 Name of the workplace University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry
I.6 Address of the workplace Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice, Slovak Republic
I.7 Position associate professor
I.8 E-mail address
I.9 Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 Name of the study field in which a person works at the university veterinary medicine
I.11 ORCID iD 3
3 Optional item.

II.a Name of the university or institution II.b Year II.c Study field and programme
II.1 First degree of higher education
II.2 Second degree of higher education University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice 1998 food hygiene
II.3 Third degree of higher education University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice 2008 veterinary physiology
II.4 Associate professor University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice 2020 animal nutrition and dietetics
II.5 Professor
II.6 Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III.a Occupation-position III.b Institution III.c Duration
niversity teacher - associate professor University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice 2021 up to now
university teacher - assistant professor University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice 2004 2021
scientist University of veterinary medicine in Košice 2001 2004

IV.a Activity description, course name, other IV.b Name of the institution IV.c Year
Certificate of education with national validity of English (A2, B1) Nova Training Ltd. Košice 2012
Certificate of control of computer work and Windows III Nova Training Ltd. Košice 2012
Certificate of completion of educational activity: Managerial skills - Module: Time management Nova Training Ltd. Košice 2012

V.1. Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a Name of the profile course V.1.b Study programme V.1.c Degree V.1.d Field of study
Dietetics and nutritional prevention of health disordersnutrition of animals and dietetics full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Dietetika a nutričná prevencia porúch zdravianutrition of animals and dietetics full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Dietetics and nutritional prevention of health disordersnutrition of animals and dietetics external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Dietetika a nutričná prevencia porúch zdravianutrition of animals and dietetics external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine

V.2. Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year 4
V.2.a Study programme V.2.b Degree V.2.d Field of study
4 According to Art. 6 para. 4 of the Standards for the Study Programme.

V.3. Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
V.3.a Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure V.3.b Study field to which it is assigned

V.4. Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.a Bachelor's (first degree) V.4.b Diploma (second degree) V.4.c Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.1 Number of currently supervised theses 0 0 1
V.4.2 Number of defended theses 0 15 0

V.5. Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.5.a Name of the course V.5.b Study programme V.5.c Degree V.5.d Field of study
Nutrition and feeding of animalsfood hygiene full time slovak languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Feed control and production health of animalsfood hygiene full time slovak languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Feed quality control and production health of animalsgeneral veterinary medicine full time english languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Feed control and production health of animalsgeneral veterinary medicine full time slovak languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Nutrition and dietetics of animalsveterinary morphology and physiology full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Výživa a dietetika zvieratveterinary morphology and physiology full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutrition and dietetics of animalsveterinary morphology and physiology external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Výživa a dietetika zvieratveterinary morphology and physiology external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Detection of animal nutrition disordersinternal diseases of animals full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Výživa a dietetikainternal diseases of animals full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Detekcia porúch výživy zvieratinternal diseases of animals full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Detection of animal nutrition disordersinternal diseases of animals external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Výživa a dietetikainternal diseases of animals external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Detekcia porúch výživy zvieratinternal diseases of animals external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutritional evaluation of feeds and nutrient metabolismnutrition of animals and dietetics full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Dietetika, nutričná prevencia a produkčné zdravie zvieratnutrition of animals and dietetics full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutričné hodnotenie krmív a metabolizmu živínnutrition of animals and dietetics full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutritional evaluation of feeds and nutrient metabolismnutrition of animals and dietetics external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutričné hodnotenie krmív a metabolizmu živínnutrition of animals and dietetics external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Nutričné hodnotenia krmív, trávenia metabolizmu živínnutrition of animals and dietetics external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine

VI.1. Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.a Overall VI.1.b Over the last six years
VI.1.1 Number of the research/artictic/other outputs 258 62
VI.1.2 Number of the research/artictic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases 23 13
VI.1.3 Number of citations corresponding to the research/artictic/other outputs 102 82
VI.1.4 Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases 86 75
VI.1.5 Number of invited lectures at the international, national level 1 1

VI.2. The most significant research/artistic/other outputs 5
1. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid as a biological marker of rumen synthesis and fermentation capacities in the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows : [2,6 Diaminopelová kyselina ako biologický marker bachorovej syntézy a fermentačnej kapacity v prechodnom období a skorej laktácie dojníc] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 355-361.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
2. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - KREMPASKÝ, Marek - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. Rumen degradability and ileal digestibility of proteins and amino acids of feedstuffs for cows : [Bachorová degradovateľnosť a črevná stráviteľnosť bielkovín a aminokyselín v krmivách pre dojnice] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 3 (2014), s. 225-231.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
3. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír. Digestibility of NDF and its effect on the level of rumen fermentation of carbohydrates. In: Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica. 2015. ISSN 1335-258X, Vol. 18, č. 4(2015), s. 110-113.
4. TIMKOVIČOVÁ LACKOVÁ, Petra - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír. Evaluation of the milk urea content in relation to milk production and composition in dairy cows. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2019. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 88, č. 3 (2019), s. 277-285.
(2019: 0.566 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.658 - IF 5y, 0.216 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
5. BUJŇÁK, Lukáš - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír. Determination of buffering capacity of selected fermented feedstuffs and the effect of dietary acid-base status on ruminal fluid pH. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2011. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 80, č. 3 (2011), s. 269-273.
(2011: 0.431 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.539 - IF 5y, 0.274 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
5 Maximum of five most significant outputs, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.3. The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years 6
1. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - TIMKOVIČOVÁ LACKOVÁ, Petra. The relation of the nutritional composition of TMR and the urea concentration in milk for evaluation nutrition and efficiency of protein utilization in lactating dairy cows. In: Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems. 2020. ISSN 1786-8440, Vol. 16, no. 1 (2020), p. 51-60.
2. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír. Milk urea concentration to the evaluation of nitrogen efficiency transformation on dairy farms. In: Folia veterinaria. 2021. ISSN 0015-5748, Roč. 65, č. 3 (2021), s. 30-39.
3. TIMKOVIČOVÁ LACKOVÁ, Petra - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír. Evaluation of the milk urea content in relation to milk production and composition in dairy cows. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2019. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 88, č. 3 (2019), s. 277-285.
(2019: 0.566 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.658 - IF 5y, 0.216 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
4. VAJDA, Vladimír - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta. Hodnotenie kvality krmív a tvorba produkčného zdravia zvierat : [Evaluation Quality of Feed and Production Health of Animals] Rec. Dušan Magic, Peter Reichel. 1. vyd. Košice : UVLF, 2016. ISBN 978-80-8077-526-1, 406 s.
5. BARTKOVSKÝ, Martin - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar - MARCINČÁKOVÁ, Dana - KLEMPOVÁ, Tatiana - SESZTÁKOVÁ, Edina - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - KARAFFOVÁ, Viera - JAĎUTTOVÁ, Iveta - ČERTÍK, Milan - HUDÁK, Marek - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír. Effect of fungal solid-state fermented product enriched with gamma-linolenic acid and beta-carotene on blood biochemistry and immunology of broiler chickens. In: Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020. ISSN 1505-1773, Vol. 23, no. 2 (2020), p. 247-254.
(2020: 0.821 - IF, 27 - H-index, 1.005 - IF 5y, 0.302 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
6 Maximum of five most significant outputs over the last six years, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.4. The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs 7
1. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid as a biological marker of rumen synthesis and fermentation capacities in the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows : [2,6 Diaminopelová kyselina ako biologický marker bachorovej syntézy a fermentačnej kapacity v prechodnom období a skorej laktácie dojníc] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 355-361.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
[1] ORELLANA, Carla - PARRAGUEZ, Victor Hugo - ARANA, Wilmer - ESCANILLA, Juan - ZAVALETA, Carmen - CASTELLARO, Giorgio. Use of Fecal Indices as a Non-Invasive Tool for Nutritional Evaluation in Extensive-Grazing Sheep. In ANIMALS. ISSN 2076-2615, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, pp.
2. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid as a biological marker of rumen synthesis and fermentation capacities in the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows : [2,6 Diaminopelová kyselina ako biologický marker bachorovej syntézy a fermentačnej kapacity v prechodnom období a skorej laktácie dojníc] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 355-361.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
[1] UL AABDIN, Zain - CHENG, Xiaoye - DAI, Hongyu - WANG, Yan - SAHITO, Benazir - ROY, Animesh Chandra - MEMON, Meena Arif - SHEN, Xiangzhen. High-Concentrate Feeding to Dairy Cows Induces Apoptosis via the NOD1/Caspase-8 Pathway in Mammary Epithelial Cells. In GENES, 2020, vol. 11, no. 1, pp.
3. KREMPASKÝ, Marek - MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš - VAJDA, Vladimír. Ketone bodies in blood of dairy cows: Prevalence and monitoring of subclinical ketosis. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 411-416.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
[1] LI, S. S. - ZHANG, J. J. - BAI, Y. F. - DEGEN, A. Allan - WANG, T. - SHANG, Z. H. - DING, L. M. - LONG, R. J. Sorghum silage substituted for corn silage in diets for dairy cows: Effects on feed intake, milk yield and quality, and serum metabolites. In APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE. ISSN 2590-2873, 2020, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 228-236.
4. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid as a biological marker of rumen synthesis and fermentation capacities in the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows : [2,6 Diaminopelová kyselina ako biologický marker bachorovej syntézy a fermentačnej kapacity v prechodnom období a skorej laktácie dojníc] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 355-361.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
[1] WANG, Yan - ZHANG, Wenwen - MA, Nana - WANG, Lailai - DAI, Hongyu - BILAL, Muhammad Shahid - ROY, Animesh Chandra - SHEN, Xiangzhen. Overfeeding with a high-concentrate diet activates the NOD1-NF-kappa B signalling pathway in the mammary gland of mid-lactating dairy cows. In MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS. ISSN 0882-4010, 2019, vol. 128, no., pp. 390-395.
5. MASKAĽOVÁ, Iveta - VAJDA, Vladimír - BUJŇÁK, Lukáš. 2,6-Diaminopimelic acid as a biological marker of rumen synthesis and fermentation capacities in the transition period and early lactation of dairy cows : [2,6 Diaminopelová kyselina ako biologický marker bachorovej syntézy a fermentačnej kapacity v prechodnom období a skorej laktácie dojníc] In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2014. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 83, č. 4 (2014), s. 355-361.
(2014: 0.469 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.047 - IF 5y, 0.297 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
[1] ROY, Animesh Chandra - WANG, Yan - ZHANG, Huanmin - ROY, Shipra - DAI, Hongyu - CHANG, Guangjun - SHEN, Xiangzhen. Sodium Butyrate Mitigates iE-DAP Induced Inflammation Caused by High-Concentrate Feeding in Liver of Dairy Goats. In JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. ISSN 0021-8561, 2018, vol. 66, no. 34, pp. 8999-9009.
7 Maximum of five most significant citations, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.5. Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years 8
1. KEGA 011UVLF-4/2020 "Analysis of nutrition impact on production, level of metabolic and ecological load of dairy cows on farm -application of knowledge for diagnostics and education", Duration: 2020 - 2022
2. VEGA 1/0785/16 "The nutritional regulation of the quantity and composition of dairy cow milk", Duration: 2016 - 2018
3. VEGA 1/0402/20 "Effect of additives in the nutrition of monogastric animals on the health production, the production parameters, the quality of products and the environment.", Duration: 2020 - 2023
4. APVV APVV-14-0397 "Application of organic feed in poultry nutrition for the production of functional foods enriched with important polyunsaturated fatty acids", Duration: 2015 - 2019
5. VEGA 1/0663/15 "Effect of feed additives for production health of animals", Duration: 2015 - 2017
8 Maximum of five most significant projects, if the RATP form is attached to the application. In addition to the name and brief characteristics of the project, the type of participation is indicated (in Slovak and in English), if possible, a hyperlink to the project and its outputs and citations are stated as well.

VII.a Activity, position VII.b Name of the institution, board VII.c Duration
9 E.g. academic positions, memberships in editorial boards and in scientific and professional societies.

VIII.a Name of the institution VIII.b Address of the institution VIII.c Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)

IX.a If relevant, other activities related to higher education or research/artictic/other activities are mentioned
Member of the international expert group for the coordination of the project "Farming for the future", in the position of expert for the management of nutrition and feeding of dairy cows. The proposed project with a solution period for the years 2018 - 2025 is implemented for six pilot countries (France, Slovakia, the Netherlands, USA, Morocco, Portugal) with the scope of the dairy consortium Bel group.
10 Maximum of 1800 characters, if the RATP form is attached to the application.
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