Assoc. prof. Radoslava Vlčková, DVM, PhD

Last update: 23. 10. 2023

I.1 Surname Vlčková
I.2 Name Radoslava
I.3 Titles Assoc. prof. , DVM, PhD
I.4 Year of birth 1978
I.5 Name of the workplace University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Department of Biology and Physiology
I.6 Address of the workplace Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice, Slovak Republic
I.7 Position associate professor
I.8 E-mail address
I.9 Hyperlink to the entry of a person in the Register of university staff
I.10 Name of the study field in which a person works at the university veterinary medicine
I.11 ORCID iD 3
3 Optional item.

II.a Name of the university or institution II.b Year II.c Study field and programme
II.1 First degree of higher education
II.2 Second degree of higher education University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice 2003 general veterinary medicine
II.3 Third degree of higher education University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice 2006 veterinary physiology
II.4 Associate professor University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice 2020 veterinary morphology and physiology
II.5 Professor
II.6 Doctor of Science (DrSc.)

III.a Occupation-position III.b Institution III.c Duration
Associate Professor University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice 2021 up to now
Special Assistent University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice (from 2010 University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice) 2007 2021

IV.a Activity description, course name, other IV.b Name of the institution IV.c Year
Erasmus +, training Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic 2023
Erasmus +, research traineeship University of Rzeszow, Poland 2021
Protection of animals used for scientific or educational purposes - retraining. Institute of Veterinary Education Košice 2019
Erasmus +, research traineeship University of Rzeszow, Poland 2019
Protection of animals used for scientific or educational purposes. Module: implementation of procedures and projects, design of procedures - rodents and rabbits Institute of Veterinary Education Košice 2016
Protection of animals used for scientific or educational purposes. Module: implementation of procedures and projects, design of procedures - livestock Institute of Veterinary Education Košice 2015

V.1. Overview of the profile courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.1.a Name of the profile course V.1.b Study programme V.1.c Degree V.1.d Field of study
Basics of physiologycynology full time slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Basics of physiologycynology external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyman-animal relationship and its use in canistherapy and hipotherapy full time slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyman-animal relationship and its use in canistherapy and hipotherapy external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Veterinary physiologyveterinary obstetrics and gynecology full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Veterinárna fyziológiaveterinary obstetrics and gynecology full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Veterinary physiologyveterinary obstetrics and gynecology external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Veterinárna fyziológiaveterinary obstetrics and gynecology external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine

V.2. Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year 4
V.2.a Study programme V.2.b Degree V.2.d Field of study
4 According to Art. 6 para. 4 of the Standards for the Study Programme.

V.3. Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
V.3.a Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure V.3.b Study field to which it is assigned

V.4. Overview of supervised final theses
V.4.a Bachelor's (first degree) V.4.b Diploma (second degree) V.4.c Dissertation (third degree)
V.4.1 Number of currently supervised theses 1 1 2
V.4.2 Number of defended theses 6 15 0

V.5. Overview of other courses taught in the current academic year according to study programmes
V.5.a Name of the course V.5.b Study programme V.5.c Degree V.5.d Field of study
Basics of anatomy and physiology of food animalsfeed and foodstuff safety full time slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Basics of anatomy and physiology of food animalsfeed and foodstuff safety external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Basics of physiologycynology external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiology full time english languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyveterinary nurse full time slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyveterinary nurse external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyman-animal relationship and its use in canistherapy and hipotherapy external slovak languagefirstveterinary medicine
Physiologyfood hygiene full time slovak languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Physiologygeneral veterinary medicine full time english languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Physiologygeneral veterinary medicine full time slovak languagecombined 1st and 2ndveterinary medicine
Endocrinology of animalsinternal diseases of animals full time english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Endokrinológia zvieratinternal diseases of animals full time slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine
Endocrinology of animalsinternal diseases of animals external english languagethirdveterinary medicine
Endokrinológia zvieratinternal diseases of animals external slovak languagethirdveterinary medicine

VI.1. Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs and the corresponding citations
VI.1.a Overall VI.1.b Over the last six years
VI.1.1 Number of the research/artictic/other outputs 243 81
VI.1.2 Number of the research/artictic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases 31 13
VI.1.3 Number of citations corresponding to the research/artictic/other outputs 69 56
VI.1.4 Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases 59 53
VI.1.5 Number of invited lectures at the international, national level 1 1

VI.2. The most significant research/artistic/other outputs 5
1. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - HERTELYOVÁ, Zdenka - KOZIOŁ, Katarzyna - KOZIOROWSKI, Marek - GANCARČÍKOVÁ, Soňa. Supplemental flaxseed modulates ovarian functions of weanling gilts via the action of selected fatty acids : [Doplnkové ľanové semeno ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie odstavených prasničiek pôsobením vybraných mastných kyselín] In: Animal Reproduction Science. 2018. ISSN 0378-4320, Vol. 193(2018), s. 171-181.
(2018: 1.817 - IF, 98 - H-index, 1.998 - IF 5y, 0.622 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
2. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
3. SIROTKIN, Alexander V. - FABIAN, Dušan - BABEĽOVÁ, Janka - VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - ALWASEL, Saleh - HARRATH, Abdel Halim. Metabolic state can define the ovarian response to environmental contaminants and medicinal plants : [Metabolický status môže definovať odpoveď ovárií na experimentálne kontaminanty a liečivé rastliny] In: Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2017. ISSN 1715-5312, Vol. 42, č. 12(2017), s. 1264-1269.
(2017: 2.518 - IF, 84 - H-index, 2.937 - IF 5y, 1.112 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
4. ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - KOZIOŁ, Katarzyna - KOZIOROWSKI, Marek - FABIÁN, Dušan - ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - HOLOVSKÁ, Katarína - ALMÁŠIOVÁ, Viera - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary flaxseed's protective effects on body tissues of mice after oral exposure to xylene. In: Saudi journal of biological sciences. 2021. ISSN 1319-562X, Vol. 28, no. 7 (2021), p. 3789-3798.
(2020: 4.219 - IF, 53 - H-index, 4.432 - IF 5y, 0.710 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
5. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - FABIAN, Dušan. Physiology of the endocrine system and reproduction : For students of general veterinary medicine. Rec. Igor Valocký, Mária Fialkovičová. 1. vyd. Košice : UVLF, 2020. ISBN 978-80-8077-678-7, 80 s. [6,01AH]
5 Maximum of five most significant outputs, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.3. The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years 6
1. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - HERTELYOVÁ, Zdenka - KOZIOŁ, Katarzyna - KOZIOROWSKI, Marek - GANCARČÍKOVÁ, Soňa. Supplemental flaxseed modulates ovarian functions of weanling gilts via the action of selected fatty acids : [Doplnkové ľanové semeno ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie odstavených prasničiek pôsobením vybraných mastných kyselín] In: Animal Reproduction Science. 2018. ISSN 0378-4320, Vol. 193(2018), s. 171-181.
(2018: 1.817 - IF, 98 - H-index, 1.998 - IF 5y, 0.622 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
2. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
3. SIROTKIN, Alexander V. - FABIAN, Dušan - BABEĽOVÁ, Janka - VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - ALWASEL, Saleh - HARRATH, Abdel Halim. Metabolic state can define the ovarian response to environmental contaminants and medicinal plants : [Metabolický status môže definovať odpoveď ovárií na experimentálne kontaminanty a liečivé rastliny] In: Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2017. ISSN 1715-5312, Vol. 42, č. 12(2017), s. 1264-1269.
(2017: 2.518 - IF, 84 - H-index, 2.937 - IF 5y, 1.112 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
4. ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - KOZIOŁ, Katarzyna - KOZIOROWSKI, Marek - FABIÁN, Dušan - ŠEFČÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - HOLOVSKÁ, Katarína - ALMÁŠIOVÁ, Viera - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary flaxseed's protective effects on body tissues of mice after oral exposure to xylene. In: Saudi journal of biological sciences. 2021. ISSN 1319-562X, Vol. 28, no. 7 (2021), p. 3789-3798.
(2020: 4.219 - IF, 53 - H-index, 4.432 - IF 5y, 0.710 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
5. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - FABIAN, Dušan. Physiology of the endocrine system and reproduction : For students of general veterinary medicine. Rec. Igor Valocký, Mária Fialkovičová. 1. vyd. Košice : UVLF, 2020. ISBN 978-80-8077-678-7, 80 s. [6,01AH]
6 Maximum of five most significant outputs over the last six years, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.4. The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs 7
1. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
[1] CHEN, Fang - LV, Yantao - ZHU, Pengwei - CUI, Chang - WU, Caichi - CHEN, Jun - ZHANG, Shihai - GUAN, Wutai. Dietary Yucca schidigera Extract Supplementation During Late Gestating and Lactating Sows Improves Animal Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Manure Ammonia Emission. In FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2021, vol. 8, no., pp.
2. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
[1] SWELUM, Ayman A. - HASHEM, Nesrein M. - ABDELNOUR, Sameh A. - TAHA, Ayman E. - OHRAN, Husein - KHAFAGA, Asmaa F. - EL-TARABILY, Khaled A. - EL-HACK, Mohamed E. Abd. Effects of phytogenic feed additives on the reproductive performance of animals. In SAUDI JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. ISSN 1319-562X, 2021, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 5816-5822.
3. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
[1] RUAN, Jingya - QU, Lu - ZHAO, Wei - GAO, Chang - HUANG, Peijian - ZHENG, Dandan - HAN, Lifeng - YU, Haiyang - ZHANG, Zixin - ZHANG, Yi - WANG, Tao. Identification and Structural Analysis of Spirostanol Saponin fromYucca schidigeraby Integrating Silica Gel Column Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis. In MOLECULES, 2020, vol. 25, no. 17, pp.
4. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - VALOCKÝ, Igor - KÁDASI, Attila - HARRATH, Abdel Halim - PETRILLA, Vladimír - SIROTKIN, Alexander V.. Dietary supplementation of yucca (Yucca schidigera) affects ovine ovarian functions : [Suplementácia diéty yukou (Yucca schidigera) ovplyvňuje ovariálne funkcie oviec] In: Theriogenology. 2017. ISSN 0093-691X, Vol. 88(2017), s. 158–165.
(2017: 2.136 - IF, 127 - H-index, 2.209 - IF 5y, 0.936 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
[1] ABD EL-HACK, Mohamed E. - ABDELNOUR, Sameh A. - ABD EL-MONEIM, Abd El-Moneim E. - ARIF, Muhammad - KHAFAGA, Asmaa - SHAHEEN, Hazem - SAMAK, Dalia - SWELUM, Ayman A. Putative impacts of phytogenic additives to ameliorate lead toxicity in animal feed. In ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH. ISSN 0944-1344, 2019, vol. 26, no. 23, pp. 23209-23218.
5. VLČKOVÁ, Radoslava - POŠIVÁK, Ján - VALOCKÝ, Igor - ANDREJČÁKOVÁ, Zuzana - EIBENOVÁ, Andrea - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra. The effect of short-term lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) feed supplementation on serum steroid hormones, insulin-like growth factor I, and ovarian follicular development and atresia in Merino ewes : [Účinok krátkodobej suplementácie krmiva lupinou (Lupinus angustifolius) na sérové steroidné hormóny, inzulínu podobný rastový faktor I a rast a artréziu ovariálnych folikulov oviec merino] In: Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. 2014. ISSN 1300-0128, Vol. 38, č. 6(2014), s. 686-692.
(2014: 0.242 - IF, 33 - H-index, 0.045 - IF 5y, 0.210 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q)
[1] PORCU, C. - PASCIU, V. - SUCCU, S. - BARALLA, E. - MANCA, M. E. - SERRA, E. - LEONI, G. G. - DATTENA, M. - BOMBOI, G. C. - MOLLE, G. - NAITANA, S. - BERLINGUER, F. Glucogenic treatment creates an optimal metabolic milieu for the conception period in ewes. In DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY. ISSN 0739-7240, 2017, vol. 59, no., pp. 105-115.
7 Maximum of five most significant citations, if the RATP form is attached to the application.

VI.5. Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years 8
1. VEGA 1/0204/20 "Study of the mechanism of action of flax seed on functions of female gonads and uterus of animals", Duration: 2020 - 2023
2. VEGA 1/0613/13 "Study of the effect of herbs rooibos and yukka on the ovarian functions and metabolism in domestic animals", Duration: 2013 - 2015
3. VEGA 1/0476/16 "Study of the influence of supplementation of additives with high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids capable of potentiating the effect of probiotics on modulation of metabolic and reproductive processes in animals", Duration: 2016 - 2019
4. KEGA 006UVLF-4/2015 "Moderná forma výučby a inovácia študijného predmetu základy fyziológie pre kynológov", Duration: 2015 - 2017
5. VEGA 1/0392/17 "Influence of contaminants - products of the oil industry on the ovarian functions of various animal species. The use of medicinal plants to reduce the effect of these contaminants", Duration: 2017 - 2020
8 Maximum of five most significant projects, if the RATP form is attached to the application. In addition to the name and brief characteristics of the project, the type of participation is indicated (in Slovak and in English), if possible, a hyperlink to the project and its outputs and citations are stated as well.

VII.a Activity, position VII.b Name of the institution, board VII.c Duration
9 E.g. academic positions, memberships in editorial boards and in scientific and professional societies.

VIII.a Name of the institution VIII.b Address of the institution VIII.c Duration (indicate the duration of stay) VIII.d Mobility scheme, employment contract, other (describe)
University of Rzeszow, Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences Werynia 502 36-100 Kolbuszowa Poland 2021 2021 ERASMUS+ Program mobility - research traineeship
University of Rzeszow, Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences Rejtana 16C, 35-9599 Rzeszów, Poland 2019 2019 ERASMUS+ Program mobility - research traineeship

IX.a If relevant, other activities related to higher education or research/artictic/other activities are mentioned
Editor´s choice of the article for the award 2022: Petrilla et al. A Comprehensive Study Monitoring the Venom Composition and the Effects of the Venom of the Rare Ethiopian Endemic Snake Species Bitis parviocula. Toxins 2021, 13(5), 299; Reviews of research articles in indexed journals - 26 together (2014-2021), review of a dissertation project and dissertation work (2021)
10 Maximum of 1800 characters, if the RATP form is attached to the application.
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