Title: What is the role of genes of immunity in pathogen from git to mammary gland.
Record: MIKULA, Ivan - BHIDE, Mangesh Ramesh - TKÁČIKOVÁ, Ľudmila - MUCHA, Ladislav - MIKULA, Ivan. What is the role of genes of immunity in pathogen from git to mammary gland. In: XIV Szkola Zimowa "Zastosowania osiagniec nauk podstawowych w hodowli bydla", Zakopane, 27. 03 - 1. 04. 2006. : Akademia Rolniczna Krakow, 2006. s. 67-73.
Year: 2006
Category: BEE - Professional papers in foreign peer-reviewed proceedings (conference and non-conference)
Authors:MIKULA Ivan0 %
BHIDE Mangesh Ramesh0 %
TKÁČIKOVÁ Ľudmila0 %
MUCHA Ladislav0 %
MIKULA Ivan0 %
Edition: XIV Szkola Zimowa "Zastosowania osiagniec nauk podstawowych w hodowli bydla", Zakopane, 27. 03 - 1. 04. 2006
S. 67-73
Publisher: Akademia Rolniczna Krakow
Country of issue: Poland
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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