Title: Analysis of hip joint dysplasia development in dogs introduction.
Record: LEDECKÝ, Valent - ŠEVČÍK, Anton - CAPÍK, Igor - TRBOLOVÁ, Alexandra. Analysis of hip joint dysplasia development in dogs introduction. In: 26 th World Veterinary Congress, 23. – 26. 9. 1999, Lyon, France. Bruxelles : World Veterinary Association, 1999. s. 1- 4.
Year: 1999
Category: AFC - Published papers at foreign scientific conferences
Authors:LEDECKÝ Valent0 %
ŠEVČÍK Anton0 %
CAPÍK Igor0 %
TRBOLOVÁ Alexandra0 %
Edition: 26 th World Veterinary Congress, 23. – 26. 9. 1999, Lyon, France
S. 1- 4
Publisher: World Veterinary Association
Place of issue: Bruxelles
Country of issue: France
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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