Title: Cordyceps Sinensis: Medicinal Fungus of Chinese Medicine : [Cordyceps Sinensis: liečivá huba čínskej medicíny]
Record: UNGVARSKÁ MAĽUČKÁ, Lucia - BEDLOVIČOVÁ, Zdenka - HARVANOVÁ, Jarmila. Cordyceps Sinensis: Medicinal Fungus of Chinese Medicine : [Cordyceps Sinensis: liečivá huba čínskej medicíny] In: Chemické listy. 2017. ISSN 0009-2770, Vol. 111, č. 1(2017), s. 35-40.
(2017: 0.260 - IF, 27 - H-index, 0.207 - IF 5y, 0.147 - SJR, Q4 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q)
Year: 2017
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
HARVANOVÁ Jarmila30 %
Edition: Chemické listy
Vol. 111, č. 1(2017), s. 35-40
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 180 - Medical, pharmaceutical and non-medical health sciences
Scientometrics: 2017: 0.260 - IF, 27 - H-index, 0.207 - IF 5y, 0.147 - SJR, Q4 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q
Language: slovak
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0026482-Cordyceps-Sinensis-Medicinal-Fungus-of-Chinese-Medicine/
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